Changes and redistribution of structural groups in dough and bread with pumpkin cellulose and phospholipids
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Wheat flour, pumpkin cellulose and lecithin have different chemical compositions, so this will affect the change in the basic structural units of dough and bread with these components in the recipe. Changes and redistribution of structural groups were analyzed after kneading the dough, after 3.5 hours of its fermentation and in finished bread. The spectra of the dough of the control sample and with the replacement of 7% of wheat flour with pumpkin cellulose after kneading practically coincide, although the spectrum of the sample with added raw materials is slightly lower. This is explained by the fact that the biopolymers of the raw materials have not yet interacted, as little time has passed for this. During fermentation, a process of proteolysis occurs in the dough, the course of which can be observed by the extremum at a wavelength of 1770 nm. The spectral index of the control sample after fermentation was higher than the spectral index of the sample with replacement, indicating that the dietary fiber of the pumpkin cellulose retards the development of the gluten framework. In addition, pumpkin cellulose does not contain gluten proteins in its composition, which leads to a decrease in their amount in the dough with this raw material.
Бібліографічний опис
Shevchenko, A. Changes and redistribution of structural groups in dough and bread with pumpkin cellulose and phospholipids / A. Shevchenko, V. Drobot, S. Litvynchuk // Технології харчових продуктів і комбікормів : збірник тез доповідей Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, 26-29 вересня 2023 р., м. Одеса. – 2023. – C. 19-20