Trends and expected benefits of the breaking edge food technologies in 2021–2030
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The review considered the major trends in the world development of new food processing technologies in 2021–2030: more strict regulations of food safety including QPCR and DNA-sequencing detection of emerging food-borne pathogens, comprehensive control of minor chemical pollutants of food; production of functional food including food for babies, children, pregnant women, elderly, for sport activities, military food, meals ready-to-eat, microelements-enriched food, nutraceuticals, and clinical food; emerging environmentally-friendly and energy-saving food processing; biotechnological food processing using enzymes proteinases, glutamine transferases, galactosidases, enzymes, microbial metabolites, and new sources of food such as insects and artificial meat; personalization of food processing and distribution including adaptation of the food processing to the nutritional needs of different customer groups.
Ключові слова
nutrition, food safety, processing, biotechnology, personalization, кафедра процесів і апаратів харчових виробництв, кафедра біотехнології і мікробіології, кафедра машин і апаратів харчових та фармацевтичних виробництв, кафедра технології хлібопекарських і кондитерських виробів, кафедра харчової хімії, персоналізація, харчування, харчова безпека, обробка, біотехнологія
Бібліографічний опис
Trends and expected benefits of the breaking edge food technologies in 2021–2030 / V. Ivanov, O. Shevchenko, A. Marynin, V. Stabnikov, O. Gubenia, O. Stabnikova, A. Shevchenko, O. Gavva, A. Saliuk // Ukrainian Food Journal. – 2021. – Volume 10, Issue 1. – P.7–36