System approach in crumb briquette technology






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Classic bakery products are made under traditional technologies, the scientific basis of which is studied rather thoroughly. Development of new products and technologies requires application of system approach. This work considers possibility to apply the main provisions of system analysis to the crumb briquette technology. It also provides functional flowsheet of briquette production and distinguishes the main and the central subsystems. Based on the briquette formation stage example, the work shows rules for drawing up of parametric diagram and highlights its input and output factors. Application of the above approach will ensure efficient improvement of technological parameters and selection of optimal ration of recipe components.


Ключові слова

crumb briquettes, technology, system analysis, functional diagram, parametric scheme, сухарні брикети, технологія, системний аналіз, функціональна схема, параметрична схема, сухарные брикеты, системный анализ, параметрическая схема, кафедра технології хлібопекарських і кондитерських виробів, кафедра технології зберігання і переробки зерна, кафедра готельно-ресторанної справи

Бібліографічний опис

Makhynko, V. M. System approach in crumb briquette technology / V. M. Makhynko, A. V. Sharan, L. O. Sharan // International periodic scientific journal "Modern engineering and innovative technologies". – Karlsruhe (Germany), 2017. - Issue № 2, Vol.1. – P. 107–111.
