Перегляд за Автор "Chernyushok, Olga"
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Документ Application potential of milk whey processed with electrical spark discharges(2013) Kochubei-Lytvynenko, Oksana; Chernyushok, OlgaArticle contains microbiological research results of curd whey processed by electric spark discharges with voltage of 30…55kV and impulse quantity ranging from 5 to 25 with a step of 5. It is determined that the most effective (rational) term for curd whey electric hydraulic processing which provides the best bactericidal effect is the voltage of 45 kV and 25 quantity discharge. Whey processing with the voltage below 35 kV or higher than 50 kV is not efficient. Electric spark processing has inactivating impact on all kinds of microorganism subject for research, including mold and yeast.Документ Electrohydraulic treatment of whey: prospects, capabilities(2015) Kochubei-Lytvynenko, Oksana; Chernyushok, OlgaThe appropriateness of electrohydraulic processing in treatment of whey was researched. The statistics of the distribution of curd whey particles’ sizes was determined using Malvern Zetasizer Nano ZS analyzer (Malvern Instruments Ltd., UK). It was established that electrohydraulic processing leads to increase in dispersion, sedimentation stability of raw material and end product, improves organoleptic, physical-chemical and microbiological indexes. The protein particles size dependence on the voltage and charges quantity was established. The best results were achieved with 45 kV voltage and charges quantity of 20 – 25. At the mentioned modes the system was about to reach the monodisperse condition and the above 500 nm big particles quantity was approaching zero.Документ Expediency of using oat flour in the production of chopped meat semi-finished products for restaurant technologies(2023) Biryuk, Yulia; Kushnir, Anatoly; Chernyushok, Olga; Cherniushok, LoraAn effective way to optimize the nutritional value of products and improve the nutritional structure of the population is to develop the production of a wide range of emulsion-type products that use cereal flour, including oat flour. The possibility of its use in the technology of chopped semi-finished products for restaurant technologies has been investigated. Ефективним шляхом оптимізації харчової цінності продукції та покращення структури харчування населення є виробництво широкого асортименту продуктів емульсійного типу з використанням борошна зернових культур, у тому числі вівсяного. Досліджено можливість його використання в технології посічених напівфабрикатів для ресторанних технологій.Документ Fortification of cut semi-finished product using oat flour and dry demineralized milk whey(2023) Biryuk, Yulia; Chernyushok, OlgaThe object of research was selected chopped meats semi-finished products, which which are proposed to be enriched by adding dry milk whey and oat flour to the recipe. The expediency of using ingredients is substantiated and useful substances contained in dairy and vegetable raw materials are given. Об’єктом дослідження обрано посічені м’ясні напівфабрикати, які збагачено, за допомогою внесення до рецептури сухої молочної сироватки та вівсяного борошна. Обгрунтовано доцільність використання інгредієнтів та наведено корисні речовини, які містяться у молочній і рослинній сировині.Документ Innovative model of meat products using mushroom raw materials industrial production(2013) Hashchuk, Oleksandra; Peshuk, Ludmila; Moskaluyk, Oksana; Chernyushok, OlgaІнтерес до грибів обумовлений особливими смаковими властивостями плодових тіл і наявністю унікального комплексу біологічних речовин, особливо білків. Залежно від виду грибів, вміст азотистих речовин від 15,31 до 60,3% (в перерахунку на сухі речовини), що більше, ніж у м'ясі, яйцях, горосі, житі. В них присутні більше 20 амінокислот, у тому числі всі незамінні. Крім того, в печерицях присутня сечовина (до 13%), яка при наявності вуглеводів може синтезуватися в амінокислоти. Метою нашої роботи було узагальнення відомостей кількісного вмісту білка та оцінка збалансованості амінокислотного складу свіжих грибів промислового виробництва (печериці, гливи, шиітаке), а також використання їх в розробці нових рецептур м'ясних продуктів. В грибному білку міститься значна кількість лізину, фенілаланіну, тирозину, валіну. Нами розроблена технологія варених ковбас і м'ясних хлібів з грибною сировиною. За результатами органолептичної оцінки модельних фаршів при розробці рецептур доцільно вносити грибну сировину: печериці - 25%, гливи - 35% і шиїтаке - 30% на етапі перемішування. Interest in mushrooms is due to the special taste properties of fruit bodies and the presence of unique complex biological substances, especially proteins. Depending on the kind of mushrooms content of nitrogenous substances from 15,31 to 60.3% (calculated on the dry matter), that is more than meat, eggs, peas, rye. There are more than 20 amino acids, including all essential. In addition, mushrooms present urea (up 13%), which in the presence of carbohydrates can be synthesized into amino acids. Aim of our work was consolidating the data of the quantitative content of protein and assessment of the balance of amino acids composition of fresh mushrooms of industrial production (mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, shiitake), as well as their application in the development of new formulations of meat products. In mushroom protein contain a significant amount of lysine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, valine. We have developed the technology of boiled sausages and meat loaves with mushroom raw materials. According to the results of organoleptic evaluation of the model fillings during the development of formulations appropriate to make mushroom raw materials: mushrooms - 25%, oyster mushrooms, 35% and shiitake - 30% at the stage of mixing.Документ Investigation of thermal and technological characteristics of new meat pastes production(2018) Moskaluyk, Oksana; Chernyushok, Olga; Fedorov, Vladimir; Kepko, Oleg; Zhurilo, SvitlanaThe article presents the research of the developed pate formulations for nutritionally adequate health-improving nutrition of high biological value. It gives an opportunity to expand the range of meat products, enrich the daily diet with useful nutrients and dietary fiber, which contribute to the preservation of health, efficiency and active creative longevity of the person. The results of the study of the change of heat load during thermal processing of piece meat products are presented in the paper. These data are obtained by direct measurement of the heat flux density by means of small-sized small-inertial heat meters, which do not interfere with the technological process. В статті представлено дослідження розроблених рецептур паштетів для нутрієнтно-адекватними оздоровчо-профілактичному харчуванню підвищеної біологічної цінності. Це дає можливість розширити асортимент м'ясних продуктів, збагатити добовий раціон корисними нутрієнтами і харчовими волокнами, які сприяють збереженню здоров'я, працездатності і активного творчого довголіття людини Компоненти нових паштетів і готова продукція проходять різну термічну (теплову або холодильну) обробку. В роботі надаються результати дослідження зміни теплового навантаження під час термічної обробки шматкових м'ясопродуктів. Ці дані одержані прямим вимірюванням густини теплового потоку за допомогою малогабаритних малоінерційних тепломірів, які не заважають протіканню технологічного процесу.Документ Justification of sedimentation stability of milk whey after electric spark processing(2016) Kochubei-Lytvynenko, Oksana; Chernyushok, Olga; Rindyuk, Dmitry; Shutiuk, KaterynaIntroduction. The article focuses on the primary processing of milk whey, in particular, the prospect of its processing using electric spark discharges. Reasonability of the electric discharge application in whey processing technology is confirmed by experimental research as well as mathematical and statistical analysis. Materials and methods. Mathematical modeling established a rational mode of electrohydraulic treatment of whey which is accompanied by a maximum dispersion of particles of precipitated casein dust. Results and discussion. It has been confirmed that the average hydrodynamic diameter of milk whey particles decreased from 1697,5 ± 82,38 nanometer to 221,34 ± 0,3 nanometer after electric discharge processing with the peak voltage of 45 kV and discharge quantity of 25. The polydispersity index at that plummeted from 1,0 to 0,35...0,40, which characterizes the system as the one close to monodisperse state. We have noticed that at the voltage of 30 and 35 kV and the discharge number of 5... 15 the particle dispersion was insubstantial. The average particle size decreased only by 22...30%. It was also concluded that at the voltage growth as well as increase in a discharge number the peak values on the distribution curves shifted to the particle size of 500... 1000 nm, while the average hydrodynamic diameter decreased. The best results during the electrohydraulic milk whey processing were achieved at the voltage of 45 kV and the discharge number amounting to 25. The sediment volume in the processed whey decreased from 0,9... 1,1 to 0,1...0,2 cm3 at the voltage of 45 kV and the discharge number of 25. Conclusions. It is proposed a technological scheme of primary milk whey processing using electro-hydraulic method.Документ Meat semi-finished products for a healthy lifestyle(2020-01-25) Chernyushok, Olga; Shevchenko, Ivanna; Biryuk, YuliaThe problem in the market of semi-finished products, due to the lack of protein sand mineral sin the body, has been studied. The effect of freezing on the storage of semi-finished products is brie fly described. It is proposed to enrich by adding to the recipe of whey enriched with Mg and Mn. The useful substances contained in milk proteins, which are proposed to be included in the recipe of meat products, are listed. The influence of these components on the organoleptic characteristics of the product is described. Досліджено проблему на ринку напівфабрикатів, у зв’язку з нестачею білків та мінеральних речовин в організмі. Коротко описано вплив заморожування на зберігання напівфабрикатів. Запропоновано збагатити, за допомогою внесення до рецептури молочної сироватки збагаченої Mg та Mn. Наведено корисні речовини, які містяться у молочних білках, які запропоновано внести в рецептуру м’ясного напівфабрикату. Описано вплив даних компонентів на органолептичні показники продукту.Документ Studying the effect of electrospark treatment of milk whey on the process of its fermentation and quality of thermoacid cheese(2019) Kochubei-Lytvynenko, Oksana; Chernyushok, Olga; Bilyk, Olena; Bondarenko, YuliiaThe paper reports a study into the influence of electrospark dispersion of current-conductive granules of magnesium and manganese in the environment of milk whey on the process of its fermentation in the technology of making soft thermo-acid cheeses the type of "Adyheyskyy". The object of this study was milk whey, obtained from the thermo-acid settling of cheeses. To prepare the coagulant, it was treated in an electric discharge chamber with a current-conductive layer of magnesium or/and manganese granules manganese over 30...120 s. It has been established that the result of such a treatment of milk whey is the increased magnesium content, by 1.8 to 4 times on average, and the increased manganese content, by 1.5 to 3.8 times on average, depending on the treatment duration. It has been proven that it was characteristic, of all the examined samples, to demonstrate a natural growth of titrated acidity during fermentation. However, the samples enriched with mineral elements following the electrospark treatment over 30...60 s have shown a more intensive growth in titrated acidity. Similar results were obtained when using milk whey from cottage cheese. Although at the initial stages of fermentation (0...6 hours) the increase in acidity was somewhat slower, which has an objective explanation related to the effect of enhanced acidity of the starting whey (50...60 °T) on lactobacilli. It was established that the production cycle is significantly reduced in case of using the proposed technology of acidic whey-coagulant for making thermo-acid cheeses. There is also an increase in the utilization coefficient of technological equipment and its resources. A given technology does not require significant areas for the introduction of an innovative electro-physical technique, and, instead, given the reduced fermentation time, it contributes to reducing the number of containers involved in the preparation of coagulant. It has been established that the use of acidic whey, produced from raw materials enriched with magnesium and manganese, in the technology of thermo-acid cheese contributes to its enrichment with valuable mineral elements. It also provides for a more complete use of the protein potential of milk and, consequently, increases the thermo-acid cheese yield by 1.8...6.5 %Документ The research of organoleptic characteristics of minced semi-products with the use of demineralized milk whey enriched with Mg and Mn(2018) Chernyushok, Olga; Rozhko, Oleksandra; Kochubei-Lytvynenko, Oksana; Kushnir, AnatolyThe samples of broiled semi-finished products, which vary to content of demineralized milk whey enriched in Mn and Mg were produced. The correspondence of organoleptic characteristics of semis was conducted in comparison with organoleptic characteristics specified in DSTU 4437: 2005 "Semis, minced meat and cereal. Technical conditions".Документ The use of an enzyme preparation when using calcium acetate in wheat bread technology(2019) Bilyk, Olena; Kochubei-Lytvynenko, Oksana; Bondarenko, Yuliia; Chernyushok, OlgaAn important problem of bakery is the prevention of the main causes of spoilage of bread, namely the development of microorganisms, which, under favorable conditions, become activated and lead to complete unsuitability of the product for consumption. The spores of bacteria of the group of potato sticks are quite resistant to thermal effects, they remain viable even at temperatures close to 130 °C, but are sensitive to an acidic environment. The use of calcium acetate in the recipe of wheat bread to carry out a booming effect on microorganisms will also affect the quality of products. To improve the quality of such products, it is advisable to use amylolytic enzymes to intensify the fermentation of the dough and oxidative additives to reduce its stickiness and spreading. The object of research in the work is dough made from wheat flour of the first grade, the formulation of which includes calcium acetate, the enzyme preparation Alphamalt V and ascorbic acid. It is established that from the point of view of influencing the quality of finished products, a rational dosage of calcium acetate is 0.3 % by weight of flour. The optimal dosage of the enzyme preparation Alphamalt V is 0.015 % by weight of flour and ascorbic acid – 0.006 %. It is proved that the introduction of this composition of food additives improves gas removal ability by 15...20 % compared with the control and products containing only calcium acetate. The positive effect of the use of an enzyme preparation of amylolytic action along with calcium acetate on the lifting force of yeast has been established. This helps to intensify the fermentation of the dough and increase the specific volume and porosity of wheat bread. It is established that the use of a composition of food additives positively affects the elastic-elastic properties of the dough: the spreading of the dough balls decreases and the gas-holding ability increases by 10...13 % compared with products from calcium acetate. This leads to an increase in the specific volume and shape stability of bread. Thanks to the developed composition of food additives, it is possible to use calcium acetate to inhibit potato sticks without losing the quality of the finished product.Документ Use of different smoking methods in the technology of meat products(2024) Chernyushok, Olga; Poloz, Denys; Harmash, AnnaSmoking is one of the oldest methods of meat processing, traditionally used t extend the shelf life of products and impart distinctive flavors and aromas. Modern smoking technologies allow to produce meat products with various organoleptic properties, depending on the method of treatment. The choice of smoking method directly affects the texture, color, flavor, and shelf life of the product. Pates are a popular food product due to their delicate texture and rich taste The main component of their quality is properly prepared meat raw materials, which depends on the taste, aroma, structure and nutritional value of the finished product. The technological process of preparing raw materials includes several important stages, each of which requires careful execution to achieve high quality pate.Документ Use of non-traditional vegetable and dairy raw materials in the technology of meat products(2023) Biryuk, Yulia; Kushnir, Anatoly; Chernyushok, Olga; Cherniushok, LoraВ умовах воєнного стану, епідемій захворювань, постійного стресу забезпечення населення продуктами харчування є одним із найважливіших завдань. Їжа повинна не тільки задовольняти фізіологічні потреби і служити енергією для організму, але й мати профілактичну та лікувальну дію. Тому важливе значення набуває виробництво харчових продуктів загального та спеціального призначення з використанням біологічно активних речовин, пропаганда раціонального харчування серед населення.In times of martial law, disease epidemics, and constant stress, providing the population with food is one of the most important tasks. Food should not only satisfy physiological needs and serve as energy for the body, but also have a preventive and treatment effect. That is why the production of general and special purpose food products using biologically active substances and the promotion of rational nutrition habits among the population are of great importance.Документ Use of raw materials for development of meat semifinished products(2020) Chernyushok, Olga; Shevchenko, IvannaДосліджено проблему на ринку напівфабрикатів, у зв’язку з нестачею білків та мінеральних речовин в організмі. Коротко описано вплив заморожування на зберігання напівфабрикатів. Запропоновано збагатити, за допомогою внесення до рецептури молочної сироватки збагаченої Mg та Mn. Наведено корисні речовини, які містяться у молочних білках, які запропоновано внести в рецептуру м’ясного напівфабрикату. Описано рецептуру приготування пельменів. Описано вплив даних компонентів на органолептичні показники продукту. The problem in the market of semi-finished products, due to the lack of proteins and minerals in the body, has been studied. The effect of freezing on the storage of semi-finished products is briefly described. It is proposed to enrich by adding to the recipe whey enriched with Mg and Mn. The useful substances contained in milk proteins, which are proposed to be included in the recipe of meat semi-finished products, are listed. The recipe for cooking dumplings is described. The influence of these components on the organoleptic characteristics of the product is described.Документ Variety of raw materials in the production of sausage products(2023) Biryuk, Yulia; Chernyushok, OlgaThe publication describes the variety of raw materials used in the production of sausage products. The expediency of combining dairy, vegetable and meat raw materials has been established. В публікаціі наведено різноманітність використання сировини при виготовленні ковбасних виробів. Встановлено доцільність комбінування молочної, рослинної та м’ясної сировини.