Перегляд за Автор "Kokhan, Olena M."
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Документ Bakery technology for children with vitamin D deficient states(2013) Bortnichuk, Oleg; Havrysh, Andrey; Dotsenko, Viktor; Kokhan, Olena M.The abstract states the necessity of the bakery products development for children with vitamin D deficient states.Документ Catering(2015) Shulishova, Anastasia; Kokhan, Olena M.Документ Characteristics of language learning(2013) Kokhan, Olena M.The article deal swith сharacteristics of language learning and the analysis of language learning difficulties is carried out. The special attention is paid to overcoming the language barrier for language learners.Документ Confectionery fortification(2016) Krupska, Yulia; Kokhan, Olena M.Документ Creative learning(2014) Mykhailova, Nelia; Kokhan, Olena M.Документ Culinary Tourism – a Growing Trendin Travel(2017) Korol, Miroslava; Kokhan, Olena M.Документ Current hospitality industry trends(2014) Shulishova, Anastasia; Kokhan, Olena M.The hospitality industry is optimistic and expects a brighter and better trend in 2014. As the economic landscape is progressing, people will now intend to focus on the value of travel. In other words, tourists now look for comfortable, simple, yet high-quality experiences. It is important for hospitality companies to capitalize these opportunities to stay ahead in the industry. However, brand awareness and a multi-channel environment have heightened the competition. To meet the challenges, the hospitality sector should come up with strategic marketing initiatives.Документ Different Approaches To The Communication(2012) Kokhan, Olena M.; Mykhailova, NeliaСпілкування сприяло розвитку людства і цивілізації, в той час, як збідніле спілкування призводило до загибелі цілих груп людей. Розмовна мова була першою формою спілкування між людьми. Дослідження показують, що ідеї та інформація краще сприймаються через усне мовлення ніж через писемне. В статті зроблена спроба виявити необхідні умови для успішного спілкування.Документ Different approaches to the students’ learning motivation(2012) Kokhan, Olena M.; Vlasenko, LudmilaThe essence of effective teaching lies in the ability of the teachers to apply their learning experience to get the desired result. One of the components of effective students’involvement in their learning is motivation and encouragement. In the article the components of motivationareconsidered.Документ English for tourism and catering : coursebook(2014) Smirnova, Elizabeth; Mykhailova, Nelia; Kokhan, Olena M.; Yurchuk, Lyudmila; Vlasenko, LudmilaThis coursebook consists of two parts, which are directed to the formation of foreign language communicative competence with the students, acquirements of lexis on specialty, development of skills and abilities on reading and translating original texts on professional activity.Документ How to Learn : from different cultural backgrounds(2012) Kokhan, Olena M.; Mykhailova, NeliaEnglish as an international language has been taught in almost all countries in the world. The study reported here tries to focus on how the learners from different cultural background learn a foreign language using their language learning strategies. The use of language learning strategies by the students, however, is influenced by many factors-motivation, gender, cultural background, type of task, age and learning style.Документ Importance of communication(2016) Kokhan, Olena M.The article highlights that good communication skills are key to success in life, work and relationships. Communication is the process by which we exchange information between individuals or groups of people. It is a process where we try as clearly and accurately as we can, to convey our thoughts, intentions and objectives. Communication is successful only when both the sender and the receiver understand the same information .In today's highly informational and technological environment it has become increasingly important to have good communication skills.Документ Improvement of the egg macaroni products quality(2013) Holikova, Tatiana; Yurchak, Vera; Voloshchuk, Galina; Kokhan, Olena M.This work focused on the use of additives Noopazym in the production of egg macaroni products for improving their quality.Документ Innovation in restaurant business(2015) Kokhan, Olena M.Quality of food and service any more are not the only factors of development of restaurant business. In recent years innovations have changed significantly the industry of public catering. Therefore, it is now important to be aware of actual novelties of restaurant business.Документ Mobile Applications for Tourists(2017) Yushchnko, Olga; Kokhan, Olena M.Документ Mobile apps are changing hospitality(2017) Kokhan, Olena M.; Korol, MiroslavaДокумент Modern Medical Tourism(2017) Yampolska, Kateryna; Kokhan, Olena M.Документ Organic food(2016) Zatirka, Elizaveta; Kokhan, Olena M.Документ Powder and bulk-solids processing(2016) Shulishova, Anastasia; Kokhan, Olena M.Документ Professional English for Communication(2013) Smirnova, Elizabeth; Mykhailova, Nelia; Chala, Kateryna; Yurchuk, Lyudmila; Kokhan, Olena M.; Yanenko, Larisa; Lukianets, Halyna; Rusakova, Anna; Boyko, Anna; Tkachenko, NataliyaThis course book is directed to the development of foreign language professional competence with the students. It consists of two parts. It contains texts on professional and tourist regional geography, a number of lexical and grammar exercises. Основна мета посібника – допомогти студентам в опануванні лексико-тематичним матеріалом на основі сучасних оригінальних текстів та мовних імовленнєвих вправ, спрямованих на формування і розвиток у студентів іншомовної комунікативної компетенції, з метою активізації навичок комунікації в професійній діяльності майбутніх фахівців. Посібник складається з двох частин: перша містить 10 розділів, в яких подано основні тематичні тексти побутової та країнознавчої тематики, тексти для самостійного читання, а також вправи, друга –13 розділів з текстами про майбутню спеціальність різних напрямів підготовки студентів, а також додатковим матеріалом за професійним спрямуванням з відповідними вправами. Призначений для самостійної роботи студентів І–ІІ курсів усіх напрямів підготовки бакалаврів денної та заочної форм навчання.