Перегляд за Автор "Zmievskiy, Yuriy"
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Документ Baromembrane methods for separation of disillery stillage(2017) Zmievskiy, Yuriy; Dzyazko, Yulia; Kornienko, Ludmila; Zakharov, Volodymyr; Ustinov, Olexandr; Mironchuk, ValeriyThe paper considers the processing of grain distillery stillage by ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis. The results of experimental studies using the membrane UPM-10 and KS-M (RM NanoTech, Russia) at different pressures and temperatures are presented. An hardware-technological scheme for the processing of grain distillery stillage with the successive application of ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis is proposed.У роботі розглянуто питання переробки зернової барди ультрафильтрацією та зворотним осмосом. Наведено результати експериментальних досліджень з використанням мембрани УПМ-10 і КС-М (РМ Нанотех, Росія) при різних тисках і темпетарурах. Запропоновано апаратурно-технологічну схему переробки барди з послідовним застосуванням ультрафільтрації та зворотного осмосу.Документ Deep processing of permeate after nano-filtration (nf) of milky whey(2018) Zakharov, Volodymyr; Zmievskiy, Yuriy; Ustinov, Olexandr; Dzyazko, Yulia; Mironchuk, ValeriyThe method of deep processing of nano-filtration permeate of milk whey is proposed and scientifically substantiated, using ozonation and electrodialysis processes. The ozonation station can remove up to 96 % of organic compounds of NF permeate, and the amount of dissolved ozone in this case should be 20...28 mg/dm3. This treatment allows us to fully utilize NF permeate in the future. It has been established that in order to achieve the posteffect of the impossibility of microflora in the ozone-treated nanofiltration permeate, the minimum amount of dissolved ozone should not be less than 2,5 mg/dm3.Документ Determination of nanofiltrated membrane mass transfer resistance after separation of whey(2013) Zmievskiy, Yuriy; Kirichuk, Ivanna; Mironchuk, ValeriyThis paper presents the results of experimental studies to determine the mass transfer resistance of the new nanofiltrated membrane OPMN-P (JSC STC "Vladipor", Russia), and its mass transfer resistance after whey separation at the pressure of 2.5 MPa. It is found out that the value of mass transfer resistance formed by the interaction of solutes with the membrane is 5 times bigger than the resistance of the new membrane.Документ Determination of nanofiltrated membrane mass transfer resistance after separation of whey(2012) Zmievskiy, Yuriy; Mironchuk, Valeriy; Kucheruk, DmitriThis paper presents the results of experimental studies to determine the mass transfer resistance of the new nanofiltrated membrane OPMN-P (JSC STC "Vladipor", Russia), and its mass transfer resistance after whey separation at the pressure of 2.5 MPa. It is found out that the value of mass transfer resistance formed by the interaction of solutes with the membrane is 5 times bigger than the resistance of the new membrane.Документ Ozonation of nanofiltrative permeate of whey(2017) Zakharov, Volodymyr; Rozhdestvenskaya, L. M.; Biletska, Iryna; Zmievskiy, Yuriy; Ustinov, OlexandrThe nanofiltration permeate of the whey was treated with an ozone-gas mixture and passed through the layer of activated charcoal. The total content of organic impurities in the treated solution decreased by 96%. Нанофільтраційний пермеат молочної сироватки піддавався обробці озоно-газовою сумішшю та пропускався крізь шар активованого вугілля. Загальний вміст органічних домішок у оброблюваному розчині зменшився на 96%.Документ Researches for capitalization at a higher quality of the whey(2014) Zmievskiy, Yuriy; Mnerie, Alin; Mnerie, Dumitru; Totorean, AlinIn the processing of the milk, the whey is considered in many cases as a product without important value. In recent years it can see the increasingly of the possibilities of superior utilization of the whey. It is recognized for the health benefits of the whey with the both ways for people like prophylactic and also as treatment in the various diseases, including cancer. For greater of the whey value, it can be processed by different technologies in relation with the destination. The paper contains a synthetic overview of the possibilities of recovery of the whey, detailing the use of membrane distillation method for the separation and concentration of whey. For investigation it was applied the method using Russian film composite membranes of the type MFFK-3. For that it has been a study about some influences of natural convention on the specific productivity of the used membranes. The scope of the experiments is the preparation of the membrane distillation (MD) technology for to apply on industry scale for a increasing of the performances of the whey utilizations.Документ Reverse osmosis for concentration of sugar beet juice after the second carbonation(2016) Zmievskiy, Yuriy; Mironchuk, ValeriyPreliminary experiments of concentrationof sugar beet juice after the second carbonation were carried out. A dead-end cell with a reverse osmosis membrane was used. The dependence of the permeate flux vs pressure, which was varied from 0 to 6 MPa,has been obtained. Duringjuice concentration, a linear decrease of the flux was observed. It means no fouling of the membrane surface. Preliminary calculations show that the use of reverse osmosis provides at least 30% of energy consumption. Проведено попередні дослідження процесу концентрування дифузійного соку після другої сатурації. Застосовували непроточну мембранну комірку із зворотноосмотичною мембраною, робоча температура становила 20±3 °С. Отримано залежність питомої продуктивності від тиску, який змінювали в діапазоні від 0 до 6 МПа. Під час концентрування дифузійного соку спостерігалось лінійне зниження продуктивності мембран, що вказує на відсутність забруднення поверхні розділення. Попередні розрахунки показують, що впровадження результатів досліджень у виробництво дозволить знизити споживання енергоносіїв мінімум на 30 %.Документ Separation of whey by membrane distillation(2011) Zmievskiy, Yuriy; Mironchuk, Valeriy; Kucheruk, DmitriRecently, the studies of membrane distillation process have been ever increasing. This is due to the following benefits: the ability to concentrate the target components to the limit of their solubility at low temperatures, lack of positive pressures and vacuum (except for vacuum membrane distillation) in working chambers, simplicity of construction plants, developed mass transfer area, etc. The aim of present paper was: the identifying of specific performance of membranes dependences on the content of dry matter. В последнее время увеличилось количество исследований процесса мембранной дистилляции. Это обусловлено следующими преимуществами: способность к концентрации целевых компонентов до предела их растворимости при низких температурах, отсутствие избыточного давления и вакуума (за исключением вакуумной мембранной дистилляции) в рабочих камерах, простота конструкции установки, большая площадь массообмена и т.д. Целью настоящей работы было: определение удельной производительности мембран от содержания сухих веществ. Останнім часом збільшилася кількість досліджень процесу мембранної дистиляції. Це обумовлено наступними перевагами: здатність до концентрації цільових компонентів до межі їхньої розчинності при низьких температурах, відсутність надлишкового тиску і вакууму (за винятком вакуумної мембранної дистиляції) в робочих камерах, простота конструкції установки, велика площа масообміну і т.д. Метою цієї роботи було: визначення питомої продуктивності мембран від вмісту сухих речовин.Документ Treatment of dairy effluent model solutions by nanofiltration and reverse osmosis(2014) Kirichuk, Ivanna; Zmievskiy, Yuriy; Mironchuk, ValeriyDairy industry generates a large amount of wastewaters that have high concentrations and contain milk components. Membrane processes have been shown to be convenient for wastewater treatment recovering milk components present in wastewaters and producing treated water. Materials and methods. The experiments were carried out in an unstirred batch sell using nanofiltration membranes OPMN-P (ZAO STC “Vladipor”, Russian Federation) and reverse osmosis membranes NanoRo, ZAO (“RM Nanotech”, Russian Federation). The model solutions of dairy effluents – diluted skim and whole milk were used. The nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membranes showed the same permeate flux during the concentration of model solutions of dairy effluents. The reason of this was likely membrane fouling with feed components. The fouling indexes indicated the fouling factor that was higher for RO. The higher permeate quality was obtained with RO membranes. The NF permeate containing up to 0.4 g/L of lactose and 0.75 g/L of mineral salts can be discharged or after finishing trеatment (e.g. RO or other) can be reused. The obtained NF and RO retentate corresponds to milk in composition and can be used for non-food applications or as feed supplement for animals.The studied RO and NF membranes can be used for concentration of dairy effluents at low pressure. They showed better performance and separation characteristics comparing with data of other membranes available in the literature.