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  • Ескіз
    Influence of starch products on the vitality and activity of lactic acid bacteria in yogurt
    (2024) Ivashchenko, Olga; Khonkiv, Myroslav; Stabnikov, Victor; Polishchuk, Galyna; Marynin, Andriy; Buniowska-Olejnik, Magdalena
    The influence of starch product with different dextrose equivalents addition on the viability and activity of lactic acid bacteria Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus during fermentation and storage of yogurt has been studied. An increase of dextrose equivalent and monosaccharides content in starch products reduce the fermentation time of milk due to the increase of lactic acid bacteria activity. A slight decrease in water activity in the presence of glucose-fructose syrup in yogurt in an amount of 9% had virtually no effect on the milk fermentation process. The number of lactic acid bacteria increased during the first seven days of yogurt storage added with glucose-fructose syrup. On the 14th day of storage, the concentration of cells of S. thermophilus and L. delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus became almost the same in all yogurts due to almost complete consumption of carbon sources. When the storage of yogurt was extended to 28 days, the most stable content of lactic acid bacteria was found in yogurt added with maltodextrin due to its prebiotic properties. The increases of active acidity and syneresis in all yogurts were greatest in the first 8–14 days. Presence of dextrins in yogurt stabilizes its physical and chemical properties during storage
  • Ескіз
    Utilization of plant processing wastes for enrichment of bakery and confectionery products
    (2023) Stabnikova, Elena; Shevchenko, Anastasiia; Stabnikov, Victor; Paredes-López, Oktavio
    In this mini-review some technologies proposed by Ukrainian scientists for utilization of plant processing waste to enrich bakery and confectionery products are present. Partial replacement of wheat flour with plant additives allowed to increase nutritional value of food products. Thus, replacement of wheat flour with 5–20% of pumpkin seed flour resulted in an increase of protein content by 13.9–55.5% and fiber content by 12.07–48.7% in bread in comparison with control one without additives. Replacement of wheat flour, 5–15%, with pumpkin cellulose increased the content of protein 1.1–1.4 times and dietary fiber in 1.4–2.2 times in comparison with control bread. Bread supplemented with oat bran, 5–15% instead of wheat flour had higher by 19.5–52.2% score of lysine than bread without plant additives. Waste from grape processing containing protein, lipids, fiber, minerals and polyphenols, could be successfully used in preparation of flourbased confectionery products. Grape seed powder could serve as a substitute of cocoa powder in confectionery coatings technologies. Grape seed cake powder and grape skin powder being used for partial replacement of wheat flour in biscuits enriched the product with dietary fiber, polyphenolic compounds, minerals and vitamins. Addition of flour from extruded sunflower seed kernels in preparation of gingerbread allows to enrich it with valuable nutrients and improve its technological characteristics. Wastes from the processing of plant materials contain valuable substances and can be used in the preparation of functional products. It is essential to maintain and preferentially increase the high quality of products; thus, it is necessary to replace wheat flour with a plant additive in amounts not exceeding 10%.
  • Ескіз
    Application of surface-active substances produced by Rhodococcus erythropolis IMB Aс-5017 for post-harvest treatment of sweet cherry
    (2022) Pirog, Tatiana; Stabnikov, Victor; Antoniuk, Svitlana
    Introduction. The aim of the present study was testing of the supernatant of Rhodococcus erythropolis ІМВ Ас-5017 with different concentration of surface-active substances (SAS) for treatment of sweet cherry for shelf-life extension. Materials and methods. R. erythropolis ІМВ Ас-5017 were grown in the medium with ethanol. Supernatant with concentration of SAS from 0.1 to 0.5 g/L was used for the treatment of sweet cherry fruit. Concentration of SAS in supernatant was determined by weight method. The total number of heterotrophic bacteria and fungi were determined by the plate dilution method. Results and discussion. The treatment of sweet cherries with a supernatant containing 0.5 g/L SAS diminished the numbers of bacteria and fungi on the fruit’s surface by 10 and 5 times, respectively, in comparison with cherries washed with water. The treatment of sweet cherries with supernatant containing 0.2 g/L SAS diminished the numbers of bacteria and fungi on the fruit’s surface by 5 and 3 times, respectively; treatment with supernatant containing 0.1 g/L diminished the numbers of bacteria and fungi by 2 times in comparison with cherries washed with water. The treatment with supernatant with concentration SAS 0.5 g/L was most effective. Treated with supernatant sweet cherries fruits did not show signs of decay even on 7th day of storage, while untreated or washed with water fruits lost moisture, fruit’s skin became wrinkled, cracks and decayed areas appeared on it. Content of fungal cells on the surface of sweet cherry pretreated with supernatant with concentration of SAS from 0.1 to 0.5 g/L and after that contaminated with spore’s suspension of Aspergillus niger Р-3 were by 2 – 11 times lower than on the surface of fruits washed with water after 5 days of incubation. The possibility of multiple usage of supernatant was shown. Application of supernatant with concentration of 0.5 g/L resulted in decrease of bacterial concentration after first usage by 10 times, after second usage it was diminished by 5 times and after third usage it was diminished by 3 times, meanwhile concentration of fungi decreased by 9, 5 and 4 times after I, II, and III usage of supernatant. Conclusion. Surface-active substances synthesized by Rhodococcus erythropolis IMB Ac-5017 could be used for treatment of sweet cherry to extend their shelf life.
  • Ескіз
    Factors affecting antibiofilm properties of microbial surfactants
    (2021) Pirog, Tatiana; Kliuchka (Nykytyuk), Lilia; Lutsay, Dariya; Stabnikov, Victor
    Antibiofilm activity of surface-active substances (SAS) synthesized by Rhodococcus erythropolis, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, or Nocardia vaccinia was studied. The strains were cultivated using carbon ethanol, glycerol, hexadecane, sunflower oil, and carbon-containing wastes from biodiesel production as carbon sources. Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and yeasts Candida albicans and Candida utilis were used as testing cultures. The antibiofilm activity of biosurfactants depended on the source and concentration of carbon source and duration of cultivation. The addition of calcium cations to media significantly increased antibiofilm activity. Replacement of pure sources of carbon for wastes provided the opportunity to receive biosurfactants with high antibiofilm properties on inexpensive substrates. Destruction of biofilms was the same in cases when supernatant or purified SAS was used. Вивчено антибіоплівкову активність поверхнево-активних речовин (ПАР), синтезованих Rhodococcus erythropolis, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus або Nocardia vaccinia. Штами культивували з використанням в якості джерел вуглецю вуглецевого етанолу, гліцерину, гексадекану, соняшникової олії та вуглецевмісних відходів виробництва біодизеля. Як тест-культури використовували Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, дріжджі Candida albicans і Candida utilis. Антибіоплівкова активність біосурфактантів залежала від джерела та концентрації джерела вуглецю та тривалості культивування. Додавання до середовищ катіонів кальцію значно підвищувало активність антибіоплівки. Заміна чистих джерел вуглецю на відходи дала можливість отримувати на недорогих субстратах біоПАР з високими антибіоплівковими властивостями. Деструкція біоплівок була однаковою у випадках використання супернатанту або очищеного ПАР.
  • Ескіз
    Application of surface-active substances produced by Nocardia vaccinii ІМВ В-7405 for the treatment of vegetables
    (2019) Pirog, Tatiana; Beregova (Pokora), Khrystyna; Geichenko, Bogdana; Stabnikov, Victor
    Application of surface-active substances (SAS) produced by Nocardia vaccinii ІМV В-7405 for shelf live extension of vegetables was studied.Materials and methods. Organic vegetables such as tomato, cucumbers, and squashes were washed with the solution of SAS produced by N. vaccinii ІМV В-7405 with concentrations of 0.25 or 0.5 g/L. Microbiological analysis was done before the beginning of the vegetables storage. Evaluation of vegetable quality was conducted by viewing during time of the storage. Results and discussions. The results of our research showed the efficiency of the application of biosurfactant produced by Nocardia vaccinii ІМV В-7405 using industrial wastes for shelf life extension of vegetables. Results of visible observations as well as microbiological analysis showed that the treatment of vegetables with SAS solutions at the concentrations of 0.25 and 0.5 g/L was more effective than washing them with tap water. The total number of heterotrophic bacteria and fungi in the samples decreased after treatment of vegetables with SAS of N. vaccinii ІMV B-7405 by 16–34 and 3–14 times, respectively, meanwhile the washing of vegetables with tap water decreased total microbial number only by 2–2.5 times. It was shown that vegetables washed with water spoiled faster than those treated with SAS solution. The advantages of application of this biosurfactant for vegetables post-harvest treatment are that (1) it can be used at the lower by 2–6 times concentration in comparison with other reported in literature microbial SAS, and (2) it can be produced using industrial wastes that will reduce the cost of its production.Conclusion. Biosurfactant produced by Nocardia vaccinii ІМV В-7405 can be used for the treatment of vegetables to extent their shelf life. Досліджено застосування поверхнево-активних речовин (ПАР) Nocardia vaccinii ІМV В-7405 для подовження терміну зберігання овочів. Матеріали і методи. Органічні овочі, такі як помідори, огірки, кабачки, мили розчином ПАР виробництва N. vaccinii ІМВ В-7405 з концентрацією 0,25 або 0,5 г/л. Мікробіологічне дослідження проводили перед початком зберігання овочів. Оцінку якості овочів проводили шляхом огляду протягом часу зберігання. Результати та обговорення. Результати наших досліджень показали ефективність застосування біосурфактанту виробництва Nocardia vaccinii ІМВ В-7405 з використанням промислових відходів для подовження терміну зберігання овочів. Результати наочних спостережень, а також мікробіологічного аналізу показали, що обробка овочів розчинами ПАР у концентрації 0,25 і 0,5 г/л була більш ефективною, ніж миття їх водопровідною водою. Загальна кількість гетеротрофних бактерій та грибів у зразках зменшувалася після обробки овочів ПАР N. vaccinii ІМВ В-7405 у 16–34 та 3–14 разів відповідно, тоді як миття овочів водопровідною водою зменшувало загальну мікробну кількість. лише в 2–2,5 рази. Показано, що вимиті водою овочі псувалися швидше, ніж оброблені розчином ПАР. Переваги застосування цього біосурфактанту для післязбиральної обробки овочів полягають у тому, що (1) його можна використовувати в меншій у 2–6 разів концентрації порівняно з іншими мікробними ПАР, зареєстрованими в літературі, та (2) його можна отримувати з використанням промислових відходів, що здешевить його виробництво. Висновок. Біосурфактант Nocardia vaccinii ІМV В-7405 можна використовувати для обробки овочів з метою збільшення терміну їх зберігання.
  • Ескіз
    Trends and expected benefits of the breaking edge food technologies in 2021–2030
    (2021) Ivanov, Volodymyr M.; Shevchenko, Oleksandr; Marynin, Andriy; Stabnikov, Victor; Stabnikova, Elena; Gubenia, Oleksii; Shevchenko, Anastasiia; Gavva, Oleksandr M.; Salyuk, Anatoly
    The review considered the major trends in the world development of new food processing technologies in 2021–2030: more strict regulations of food safety including QPCR and DNA-sequencing detection of emerging food-borne pathogens, comprehensive control of minor chemical pollutants of food; production of functional food including food for babies, children, pregnant women, elderly, for sport activities, military food, meals ready-to-eat, microelements-enriched food, nutraceuticals, and clinical food; emerging environmentally-friendly and energy-saving food processing; biotechnological food processing using enzymes proteinases, glutamine transferases, galactosidases, enzymes, microbial metabolites, and new sources of food such as insects and artificial meat; personalization of food processing and distribution including adaptation of the food processing to the nutritional needs of different customer groups.
  • Ескіз
    Improvement of sludge quality by iron-reducing bacteria
    (2004) Ivanov, Volodymyr M.; Wang, J.-Y.; Stabnikov, Victor; Xing, Zikun; Tay, Joo
    Sewage sludge can be used in agriculture as organic fertilizer. However, one of the obstacles for this use is the high concentration of heavy metals and the presence of sulphides (acidifying soil or compost). The aim of this research was to develop the biotechnology for improving the quality of sewage sludge that would be used as organic fertilizer. Microbial reduction of inexpensive sources of Fe(III) in anaerobic digester is proposed as a means of preventing the accumulation of sulphide and of enhancing the accumulation of phosphate in sewage sludge. Industrial grade iron hydroxide can serve as a suitable source of Fe(III) The results show that almost all dissolved phosphate is recovered by the reaction with Fe2+. Additionally, the activity of iron-reducing bacteria inhibits the production of sulphide by sulphate-reducing bacteria and the growth of these bacteria in anaerobic digesters.
  • Ескіз
    Effect of iron hydroxide on phosphate removal during anaerobic digestion of activated sludge
    (2004) Stabnikov, Victor; Tay, Stephen; Tay, Joo; Ivanov, Volodymyr M.
    Addition of ferric hydroxide to the reactor of methanogenic fermentation of activated sludge followed microbial reduction of Fe (III) and formation of ferrous ions, which precipitated phosphate. It was shown that 66.6 – 99.6 % of dissolved phosphate with initial concentration of 1000 – 3500 mg РО43-/l can be removed by the addition of ferric hydroxide in concentration of 6420 mg Fe (III)/l and anaerobic sludge with iron-reducing activity. Optimal ratio of added Fe(III): removed dissolved phosphate, ensured not less than 95 % removal of phosphate was 2. These data could be used in a new technology of anaerobic treatment of wastewater with simultaneous removal of phosphate.
  • Ескіз
    Application of iron-reducing bacteria for phosphate removal from returned liquor of municipal wastewater treatment plant
    (2005) Ivanov, Volodymyr M.; Stabnikov, Victor; Tay, Stephen; Tay, Joo
    The aim of this research was to examine efficiency of enrichment culture and isolated strains of iron-reducing bacteria for the removal of phosphate from return liquor of municipal wastewater treatment plant (MWWTP) with ferric hydroxide as a source of Fe (III). Bacterial reduction of ferric hydroxide enhanced phosphate removal from return liquor. The obtained data could be used for the design of a new biotechnology of anaerobic removal or recovery of phosphate from return liquor of MWWTP.
  • Ескіз
    Phosphate removal from return liquor of municipal wastewater treatment plant using iron-reducing bacteria
    (2005) Ivanov, Volodymyr M.; Stabnikov, Victor; Zhuang, W. Q.; Tay, Joo; Tay, Stephen
    The application of iron-reducing bacteria (IRB) for phosphate removal from return liquor (liquid fraction after activated sludge digestion and anaerobic sludge dewatering) of municipal wastewater treatment plant was studied. Methods and Results: Enrichment culture and two pure cultures of IRB, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia BK and Brachymonas denitrificans MK identified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing, were produced using return liquor of WWTP as carbon and energy source and iron hydroxide as oxidant. The final concentration of phosphate increased from 70 to 90 mg l-1 in control and decreased from 70 to 1 mg l-1 in experiment. The mass ratio of removed P to produced Fe(II) was 0.17 g P g-1 Fe(II). S. maltophilia BK showed the ability to reduce Fe(III) using such xenobiotics as diphenylamine, m-cresol, 2,4-dichlorphenol and p-phenylphenol as sole source of carbon under anaerobic conditions. Bacterial reduction of ferric hydroxide enhanced phosphate removal from return liquor. Significance and Impact of Study: An ability of facultative anaerobes Stenotrophomonas maltophilia BK and Brachymonas denitrificans MK to reduce Fe(III) was shown. These bacteria can be used for anaerobic removal of phosphate and xenobiotics by bacterial reduction of ferric ions.