1Н NMR-spectroscopy of water-alcohol systems in the process of electrochemical activation of drinking water
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The aim of the work is to study the process of establishing the equilibrium state in alcohol water systems at the main stages of creating vodka with electrochemical activation of drinking water. The formation of alcohol-water (drinking) system occurs during the weakening of hydrogen bonds in the presence of water associates and ethanol that have a chemical shift of hydroxyl protons of water δН2O 4,36 ppm and of ethanol – δEtОН 4,96 ppm and the difference in chemical shifts between EtOH and Н2О, which is Δδ 0,60 ppm. (Δƒ 240 Hz), that do not undergo significant changes after the treatment of alcohol water mixture with activated carbon. Conditions for the formation of stable complexes in the system of alcohol-water (drinking) have not been revealed, the absence of formation of ethanol hydrates characterizes a system with unstable equilibrium. Prepared with electrochemical activation drinking water leads to the immediate formation of hydrates of EtОН•5Н2О type in the alcohol-water system: in the anode cell – an anolyte with ethanol hydrates EtОН•4,81Н2О; in a cathode cell – a catholyte with ethanol hydrides EtОН•4,69Н2О. The strongest hydrogen bond of OH-groups in the alcohol-water system is observed in water prepared by electrochemical activation that is characterized by a constant equilibrium.
Бібліографічний опис
Kuzmin, O. 1Н NMR-spectroscopy of water-alcohol systems in the process of electrochemical activation of drinking water / Oleg Kuzmin, Natalia Romanchenko // Resource and Energy Saving Technologies of Production and Packing of Food Products as the Main Fundamentals of Their Competitiveness : Proceedings of the 7th International Specialized Scientific and Practical Conference, September 13, 2018. – Kyiv : NUFT, 2019. – P. 6–13.