Changes and redistribution of structural groups in dough and bread with rice flour and phospholipids
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In recent years, considerable attention has been paid to the problem of rapid growth of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as inflammatory bowel disease. For the prevention of these diseases, the determining factor is nutrition and diet therapy. In the diet of patients with inflammatory bowel disease, it is necessary to reduce the use of fiber while increasing the use of phospholipids. Replacing part of the wheat flour with rice flour affects the redistribution of hydroxyl O-H groups and amino groups N-H in dough and bread, which, against the background of the deterioration of gluten quality, contributes to the increase of water-soluble substances and easier assimilation of products.
Бібліографічний опис
Shevchenko, A. Changes and redistribution of structural groups in dough and bread with rice flour and phospholipids / A. Shevchenko, V. Drobot, S. Litvynchuk // Наукові здобутки молоді – вирішенню проблем харчування людства у XXI столітті : 89 Міжнародна наукова конференція молодих учених, аспірантів і студентів. – Київ : НУХТ, 2023. – Ч. 1. – С. 136