Перегляд за Автор "Trygub, Inna"
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Документ Analysis of the current investment climate in Ukraine(2014) Trygub, Inna; Genyk, SvitlanaInternal resources of Ukraine finan cethenational economy in the proper amount is not enough. Today Ukraine has established the legal framework for investment activities. So, Ukraine needs new mechanisms for attracting foreign direct investment and a significant improvement of the investment climate.Документ Branding as a way to improve competitivness(2015) Synytsia, Lyubov; Trygub, InnaProblem of improving competitiveness is very important for every company. Modern markets are characterized by dynamic development of technologies, highly competitive, high rate of new products and services. In such circumstances, branding is a response to current market conditions and tool for competitiveness.Документ Building partnership between employers and staff as a tool to enhance the competitivness of enterprise(2015) Kovalchuk, Tatiana; Trygub, InnaPartnerships between employers and workers are forming the sustainable competitive advantage of the company. These relations are based on the creation of mutually beneficial conditions. Enterprise used the most effective methods of personnel management, which can satisfy their needs. Workers make every effort to improve the performance and quality of work, customer satisfaction, leading to increased competitiveness.Документ Commercial bank credit policy(2014) Ponomarenko, Julia; Trygub, InnaThe proper organization of the process of bank lending, the development of efficient and flexible management of credit operations are the basis of financial stability and market stability of commercial banks. Commercial bank credit policy outlines the range of key goals and objectives of banking, sets out specific techniques, methods and techniques for its implementation and has a significant impact on the economic development of the country as a whole.Документ Effective speaking, its types and tasks(2011) Berezovska, Olga; Vlasenko, Ludmila; Trygub, InnaGood communication skills are skills that facilitate people to communicate effectively with one another. Effective communication engages the choice of the best communications channels, the technical know-how to use the channels, the presentation of information to the target audience, and the skill to understand responses received from others. Self development, interpersonal skills, mutual understanding, mutual cooperation and trust is also important set a complete channel of most effective winning communication skills.Документ Enterprise development in Ukraine. Problems and prospects(2012) Piznyur, Marina; Trygub, InnaДокумент Factors affecting competitivness of companies(2015) Kovalchuk, Olga; Trygub, InnaOne of the important aspects of the market environment, which allows to take a prominent place as long as possible and hold leading positions is competitiveness of enterprises. The problem of determining the competitiveness of enterprises is very important for certain market segments and for the efficient operation of enterprises. To solve this problem, necessary to identify the factors that influence the possibility of winning or losing in competition.Документ Financial asset(2014) Roh, Ekaterina; Trygub, InnaFinancial assets are intangible assets. Financial assets serve two main economic functions. Financial asset is typically given a maturity date in a contractual claim. Cashing out an asset before its maturity date can ultimately cost a person financial penalties because it violates the terms of the agreement.Документ Financial risks of enterprise and instruments of their neutralization(2014) Pishchans’ka, Victoria; Trygub, InnaTo survive in a competitive market environment, enterprises need to make unconventional and daring decisions. However, it also raises the level of economic and financial risk. Under such conditions enterprises have to identify in time and correctly asses a level of risk, effectively manage it for the purpose of restriction of its negative influence and minimization of financial losses.Документ Income as an integral part of the enterprise(2014) Moskalenko, Nina; Trygub, InnaProfit - one of the main sources of financial resources of enterprises, the formation of centralized and decentralized funds. The profit is the formation of a significant amount of budgetary resources of the state are financed expansion of enterprises, financial incentives for workers. The planning and profit should be concerned not only labor collectives of enterprises, but also the country as a whole.Документ Information product and its influens on producers and consumers(2014) Smelyanets, Nadia; Trygub, InnaThe main idea of the article is the relationship between global information and its consumers.Документ Information technologies in foreign language teaching(2015) Trygub, InnaIn the article the theoretical analysis of information technologies in foreign language teaching is conducted. Using resources of the Internet in study process to development of students´ cognitive activity and achievement of the main aims of teaching subject are considered. The main strategies for implementation of information and communication technologies in the sphere of higher education are analyzed.Документ Leadership in human resources management system(2015) Stetsiuk, Y.; Trygub, InnaLeadership can be defined as based on the authority and rank priority ongoing impact of one person or a few individuals to the whole group or organization.Документ Methods of sales promotion products in the enterprise(2015) Omelchuk, Yulia; Trygub, InnaRelevance of the topic is the best study of the costs of selling the company to seek more effective ways of resource allocation for improving the profitability of the company. Sales of an enterprise (company) - a set of measures aimed at organizing an effective and efficient distribution network to improve the efficiency of sales of products.Документ Modern methods of personnel management in the enterprise(2015) Omelchuk, Yulia; Trygub, InnaThe best effect and the quality of the personnel management system is achieved by an integrated, consistent and appropriate application of methods of personnel management in the enterprises.Документ Money management(2015) Chazov, Eugene; Trygub, InnaThe hardest part of managing your life is to change your spending habits to a habit of managing your money. Managing your money means paying attention to the money you have and how you use it.Документ Motivation(2015) Ostrovna, Bogdana; Trygub, InnaWell-motivated staff is one of the most important factors that influence the development of the company. The lack of motivation of staff ranks third in the list of obstacles to business growth. Accordingly, a high degree of motivation of subordinates is today's leaders.Документ Motivation factors for lifelong learning(2014) Trygub, InnaMany aspects of effective teaching apply to all age groups. Understanding the principles of adult learning can help teachers become better facilitators of learning. The importance of these principles is recognized in educational and business settings. This article discusses the differences in how adults learn.Документ Optimization of capital of enterprise structure(2014) Sopizhenko, Oksana; Trygub, InnaDuring the forming the optimal financial structure of the enterprise it is necessary to consider the influence of the subjective and objective factors. The main criteria of optimal capital structure of the enterprise are: policy of asset finance; price of the enterprise; risks; profitability. Financial managers of the enterprise while determining the optimal capital structure should use the combination of few theoretical approaches which take into account the instability of different factors. Протягом формування оптимальної фінансової структури підприємства необхідно розглядати вплив суб'єктивних і об'єктивних чинників. Головними критеріями оптимальної структури капіталу підприємства є: поліс фінансів активу; прайс підприємства; ризики; прибутковість. Фінансові менеджери підприємства, коли визначають оптимальну структуру капіталу, повинні використовувати комбінацію декількох теоретичних підходів, які беруть до уваги нестійкість різних чинників.Документ Personal finance planning(2015) Lissitsina, Irina; Trygub, InnaMoney problems affect all people, no matter how much or how little they have. Most financial troubles come from bad habits of overspendings money. That's why financial planning is so important. Проблеми з грошима впливають на всіх людей, байдуже, наскільки багато або як мало вони їх мають. Більшість фінансових негараздів приходять від «поганих» звичок, таких як надмірні витрати. Ось чому планування фінансів таке важливе. Проблемы с деньгами влияют на всех людей, и нет разницы, сколько много или как мало они их имеют. Большинство финансовых неприятности приходят от «плохих» привычек , таких как чрезмерная трата денег. Вот почему планирование финансов так важно.