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Документ The influence of starch products on the rheological, physical and chemical properties of yogurt(2024) Polishchuk, Galyna; Sharahmatova, Tetiana; Marynin, Andriy; Ivashchenko, Olga; Sviatnenko, RomanExpanding the assortment of low-fat yogurt with natural structuring sweeteners and regulated quality indicators is an actual direction of scientific research. The purpose of the study is to study the patterns of influence of the products of enzymatic hydrolysis of corn starch with different dextrose equivalents on the rheological, physical and chemical characteristics of yogurt. Тhe functional and technological properties of starch products of different chemical composition were studied – maltodextrin MD-10, glucose syrup IG-42 and glucose-fructose syrup GFS-42. The possibility of completely replacing dry skimmed milk and sugar in the composition of yogurt with a fat content of 1% drinkable with an equivalent content of dry substances of maltodextrin MD-10 and glucose syrup IG-42, which ensure the formation of rheological characteristics inherent high-quality yogurt. Yogurt with sucrose, which inhibits the organization of macromolecular chains of milk proteins, has the lowest thixotropic ability, and yogurt with maltodextrin MD-10 and glucose syrup IG-42 has the highest. The predominance of higher sugars in the composition of MD-10 maltodextrin lengthens, and the increased content of monosaccharides in GFS-42 accelerates the duration of fermentation of milk mixtures in the technological process of production of yogurt with a fat content of 1.0%.Документ Influence of starch products on the vitality and activity of lactic acid bacteria in yogurt(2024) Ivashchenko, Olga; Khonkiv, Myroslav; Stabnikov, Victor; Polishchuk, Galyna; Marynin, Andriy; Buniowska-Olejnik, MagdalenaThe influence of starch product with different dextrose equivalents addition on the viability and activity of lactic acid bacteria Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus during fermentation and storage of yogurt has been studied. An increase of dextrose equivalent and monosaccharides content in starch products reduce the fermentation time of milk due to the increase of lactic acid bacteria activity. A slight decrease in water activity in the presence of glucose-fructose syrup in yogurt in an amount of 9% had virtually no effect on the milk fermentation process. The number of lactic acid bacteria increased during the first seven days of yogurt storage added with glucose-fructose syrup. On the 14th day of storage, the concentration of cells of S. thermophilus and L. delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus became almost the same in all yogurts due to almost complete consumption of carbon sources. When the storage of yogurt was extended to 28 days, the most stable content of lactic acid bacteria was found in yogurt added with maltodextrin due to its prebiotic properties. The increases of active acidity and syneresis in all yogurts were greatest in the first 8–14 days. Presence of dextrins in yogurt stabilizes its physical and chemical properties during storageДокумент Quality of Canadian commercial plain non-fat Greekstyle yogurts produced only from natural dairy ingredients(2020) Lange, Ignace; Mleko, Stanislaw; Tomczynska-Mleko, Marta; Polishchuk, Galyna; Janas, Piotr; Ozimek, LechGreek-style yogurt is a typical weak viscoelastic gel whose elastic properties predominate over its viscous properties over the measured range. A structural degradation was observed in all samples at some point during the stress-amplitude range applied. B samples had a higher total solids content than A samples herefore, this might be the reason that B samples presented higher dynamic moduli than A samples, even for the same protein content. Both reference samples presented a significant increase in their viscous (G") and elastic (G') moduli upon storage at 5oC. This fact suggests that casein gels are dynamic by nature and that further development of the gel structure occurs during storage. At high amplitudes, A samples presented a significant increase in their tan - values due to the rupture of their gel structures. A proportional increase in G' and G" during storage was observed; hence, the tan - values for the same types of samples, after 18 and 35 days of storage, were similar. Samples did not differ in levels of whey drainage and in the size of visible clusters. Both market samples presented higher amounts of surface whey-off as storage time increased. Probably during storage, large scale rearrangements occurred in the gel network which increased the level of instability of the gel, resulting in the loss of the ability to entrap all the serum phase. Although none of the reference samples had visible whey drainage, all of them presented small visible clusters.Йогурт у грецькому стилі - це типовий слабкий в’язкопружний гель, еластичні властивості якого переважають над його в’язкими властивостями протягом вимірюваного діапазону. Структурна деградація спостерігалася у всіх зразках у певний момент протягом діапазону амплітуд напружень. Тому зразки B мали вищий загальний вміст твердих речовин, ніж зразки A, це може бути причиною того, що зразки B представляли вищі динамічні модулі, ніж зразки A, навіть при однаковому вмісті білка. Обидва еталонних зразка показали значне збільшення їх в’язкого (G ") та еластичного (G ') модулів при зберіганні при 5 ° C. Цей факт свідчить про те, що казеїнові гелі динамічні за своєю природою і що подальший розвиток структури гелю відбувається під час зберігання. амплітуд, Зразки A суттєво збільшили свої значення загару через розрив їхніх гелевих структур. Спостерігалося пропорційне збільшення G 'і G "під час зберігання; отже, значення загару для тих самих типів зразків після 18 та 35 днів зберігання були подібними. Зразки не відрізнялись за рівнем дренажу сироватки та розміром видимих скупчень. Обидва ринкові зразки показали більшу кількість поверхневої сироватки в міру збільшення часу зберігання. Ймовірно, під час зберігання в гелевій мережі відбулися масштабні перебудови, які збільшили рівень нестабільності гелю, що призвело до втрати здатності захоплювати всю сироваткову фазу. Хоча жоден з еталонних зразків не мав видимого дренажу сироватки, всі вони мали невеликі видимі скупчення.Документ Study of the influence of micellar casein and spelt flour on yoghurt quality indicators(Study of the influence of micellar casein and spelt flour on yoghurt quality indicators / G. Polischuk, N. Breus, O. Kochubey-Litvinenko, Т. Osmak, T. Semko, M. Borova // EUREKA: Life Sciences. – 2020. – № 4. – P. 44-52., 2020) Polishchuk, Galyna; Breus, Natalia; Kochubei-Lytvynenko, Oksana; Osmak (Fedchenko), Tetiana; Semko, Tetiana; Borova, MarinaThe aim of the research is to study the effect of protein-containing ingredients of animal and plant origin on the quality indicators of yoghurt for the scientific substantiation of its recipe composition. Micellar casein and spelled flour are characterized by high nutritional value, exhibit functional and technological properties and can significantly affect the quality indicators of yogurt. To confirm this, the possibility of complete replacement of the structure stabilizer in the composition of yoghurt with micellar casein and spelled flour, both separately and in various ratios, was studied. As a single criterion for optimizing the recipe composition of yoghurt at various ratios between casein and spelled flour, product quality indicators were used: the degree of syneresis, effective viscosity, organoleptic indicators.Документ Technology and factors influencing Greek-style yogurt – a Review(2020) Lange, Ignace; Mleko, Stanislaw; Tomczynska-Mleko, Marta; Polishchuk, Galyna; Janas, Piotr; Ozimek, LechAnalytical studies of Greek-style yoghurt manufacturing methods, formation and physicochemical characteristics of acid milk gels and factors that define yogurt quality are presented. The review is based on all the most important scientific papers ever published on the subject. Different yoghurt production methods: traditional methods based on mechanical separators, methods based on membrane processes and methods based on direct recombination, give product with differences in properties. В аналітичному дослідженні розглянуто основні способи виробництва йогурту грецького, зокрема умови формування фізико-хімічних характеристик кислотних молочно-білкових згустків і показників якості готового продукту. Огляд ґрунтується на вагомих наукових публікаціях за обраним напрямом дослідження. На основі аналізу різних способів виробництва (традиційного, сепараторного, із застосуванням мембранних технологій, прямої рекомбінації) встановлено, що йогурт, виготовлений з їх застосуванням, суттєво відрізняється за показниками якості.