Тези доповідей, матеріали конференцій
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6 результатів
Результати пошуку
Документ Revolutionizing building performance simulation: a retrospective analysis of Dru Crawley's four decades of influence(2024) Kryvosheiev, Maksym; Grynevych, OksanaДокумент Development of multi-level adaptation fin-ray gripper with mechanical differential(2024) Chentsov, Oleh; Yakymchuk, Nikolai; Grynevych, OksanaThe aim of the study was to investigate mechanical properties, operation characteristics, capabilities of suggested device, estimate optimal proportions for each link. Inventor Software with strength analysis package was used to simulate kinematics and estimate durability of 3D printed parts.Документ Development of soft gripper based on bistable dome shell effect(2024) Chentsov, Oleh; Grynevych, OksanaThis study aimed to investigate the principle of implementation of the bistable shell dome effect in a traditional soft gripper based on FEA technology and estimate approximate parameters and geometry for greater performance.Документ Perspective ways to increase the preventive benefits of kombucha(Національний університет харчових технологій, 2024) Diatel, Oleh; Grynevych, OksanaНа сьогоднішній день на комерційному ринку безалкогольних напоїв України, Європи та США стрімко набуває популярності ферментований напій під назвою «комбуча». Цей напій має позитивний профілактичний та оздоровчий вплив на організм людини завдяки своєму унікальному біохімічному складу. Приготовлена комбуча, відома як «чайний гриб», багата на вітаміни, мінерали, різноманітні антиоксиданти та корисні кислоти.Документ Translation of technical terminology of distillation processes(2024) Omelianenko, Kostiantyn; Grynevych, OksanaProofreading is essential when translating with the help of Google Translate. Correct terminology in English-language publications will create a positive image of Ukrainian scientists. The peculiarities of the translation of technical terminology from the processes of distillation have been considered.Документ Impact of lyophilization on the chemical composition and metabolic activity of plant extracts(2024) Bondar, Hanna; Grynevych, OksanaOne of the effective methods for preserving the quality and shelf life of plant extracts is the lyophilization technology, where the solvent is removed at low temperatures under vacuum by sublimation. A search and analysis of scientific works were conducted regarding the advantages and disadvantages of lyophilization and its influence on the composition of secondary metabolites in plant extracts. Lyophilization is widely used for concentrating extracts, preserving their properties, and extending their shelf life in the pharmaceutical, food, and chemical industries. Among the disadvantages are high costs for equipment, energy, and labor resources. Lyophilization may reduce the amount of volatile compounds or decrease the metabolic activity of components, which is particularly relevant in the pharmaceutical and food industries. In a study of lyophilization of root extracts, it was found that 7% of wheat metabolites are lost, and 43% exhibit modified activity. Comparison of different drying methods showed that oven drying post-extraction leads to a loss of up to 27% of metabolites in aqueous extracts, while in 50% ethanol extracts, the losses are only 3%. Research on the impact of lyophilization on the composition of metabolites and their biological activity remains relevant.