Тези доповідей, матеріали конференцій

Постійне посилання на розділhttps://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/7373


Результати пошуку

Зараз показуємо 1 - 7 з 7
  • Ескіз
    Machining meat deformation
    (2016) Guts, Viktor; Koval, Olha
    The mathematical models to optimize the process of salting meat have been determined, the massaging mode method which is based on the energy characteristics in the deformation process has been proposed.
  • Ескіз
    The movement modelling by gravitational attractions
    (2016) Guts, Viktor; Koval, Olha
    The motion modelsmake it possible to perform calculations of both the individual chute elements, and its operating parameters in general. On this basis, it can be possible to determine the trajectory, velocity of the objects that different in size, shape and surface properties are guaranteed to be safe for both visitors and staff serving them.
  • Ескіз
    Modelling of food product cutting
    (2010) Guts, Viktor; Gubenia, Oleksii; Stefanov, Stefan; Hadzhiyskiy, Vilygelym
    There are lead theoretical experimental researches on the basis of which is developed the simple in application technique for research of movement of an edge in a layer of a product. The mathematical model which adequately describes process is also developed. The technique is applied at research of bread cutting by results of which optimum cutting conditions are certain.
  • Ескіз
    The technical level and efficiency of blister machines
    (2014) Buzlukova, Olga; Senin, Oleksandr; Gubenia, Oleksii; Guts, Viktor
    The proposed evaluation method allows to predict the change of qualities products in time, rational to choice turnaround cycle of equipment, to reduce operating costs for service, to control of finished products. Пропонований метод оцінки дозволяє прогнозувати зміну якостей продуктів в часі, раціональних, щоб вибір оборотного циклу устаткування, знизити експлуатаційні витрати на обслуговування, контролювати готової продукції.
  • Ескіз
    The theory of variational modeling the quality of meat and meat containing products
    (2013) Ivanov, Sergey; Guts, Viktor; Pasichnyi, Vasyl
    A scientific concept of development of quality meat and meat containing products and possible ways of its realization has been suggested. Technological characteristics of the basic raw meat, poultry meat and by-products in moderate conditions of heat treatment, with food salts availability in the system have been studied and systematized. The methodology has been developed and the application program of designing multi-foods according to the modern theories of nutrition has been improved on the basis of the analysis of technologies and systematization of raw materials of the industry. Interdependence between buffer capacity, technological and rheological characteristics of raw materials, solutions of hydrocolloids, forcemeats and pastes has been proved. Specific technological mixes and methods of technological influence on stabilization of product quality have been developed; stabilizers containing protein, protein-fatty emulsions, and beet dye have been developed and tested under the conditions of the moderate and high-temperature heating. Technologies of the combined meat products, meat and meat-vegetative canned food, and also products for schoolchildren nutrition have been developed and clinically tested. Обґрунтовано теорію варіаційного моделювання якості м'ясних та м'ясомістких продуктів та можливі напрями її реалізації. Досліджено технологічні характеристик основної м'ясної сировини, курячого м’яса та субпродуктів в помірних умовах нагрівання за наявності в системі харчових солей та удосконалено прикладну програму проектування багатокомпонентних продуктів відповідно з сучасними теоріями харчування. Доведено залежність між буферною ємністю, технологічними і реологічними характеристиками сировини, розчинів гідроколоїдів, модельних фаршів і паштетних мас, що дозволило розробити нові методи стабілізації якості продуктів, білкових стабілізаторів і емульсій, бурякового барвника в умовах помірного і високотемпературного нагрівання. Розроблено технології комбінованих м’ясних та м'ясомістких продуктів, м’ясних та м’ясо-рослинних консервів, а також продуктів шкільного харчування, які пройшли клінічну експертизу.
  • Ескіз
    Food products Assessment of quality
    (2013) Koval, Olha; Guts, Viktor
    The theory of kinetic modeling of the quality and shelf life of food products based on second differential order equations offers much more possibilities of the kinetics analysis of accumulating harmful substances in the product in comparison with existing methods of touch, opens new possibilities for the development of standards for their qualitative assessment of food quality.
  • Ескіз
    Mathematical modeling of food quality
    (2013) Guts, Viktor; Koval, Olha
    The considered way of determining the coefficients of mathematical models based on differential equations of the second order is applied in modeling the kinetics of quality change, in the study of structural and mechanical properties of cutting food, centrifugation of fluid disperse systems.