Перегляд за Автор "Dolomakin, Yuriy"
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Документ Concentration of fusel oil in alcohol column(2013) Osipenko, Olexiy; Dolomakin, Yuriy; Osypenko, V.To improve the process of removal of fusel oils in food distillation of ethyl alcohol is advisable to identify the areas of concentration in the system ethanol-water-izoamilol that at rectification form condensates heterogeneous type, and identify some of their technological characteristics.Документ Determination of the main stages of mixing wheat sourdough relative method(2016) Dolomakin, YuriyThe optimum duration of the cooking liquid wheat sourdough for the proposed design of the mixer was determined by fixing the beginning of time, during which the amount of torque on the outside of the mixing bowl was at the same level for a certain period of time. Slots began to form structures have been identified in the system of the flour/water, the time to reach the maximum resistance of the system, and the start time balancing system as an indirect factor in product availability.Документ Improving the reliability of cutter knives by improving the manufacturing process(2021) Babanov, Igor; Dolomakin, Yuriy; Babanova, OlenaДокумент Influence of eccentricity of internal rotor’s cylinder for mixing water-flour mixture on its kinematic and dynamic parameters(2017) Dolomakin, Yuriy; Babanov, Igor; Shevchenko, Andrii; Babkina, IrinaДосліджено процес змішування компонентів водно-борошняних сумішей як основ напівфабрикатів харчових та фармацевтичних виробництв за допомогою інтенсивного роторно-пульсаційного змішувача періодичної дії. The process of mixing components of water-flour mixesas the bases of semi-food and pharmaceutical productions with the help of an intensive rotary-pulsating mixer of periodic actionДокумент Problems and research results of cooling processes of bakery products by vacuum evaporative way(2013) Kovalyov, Alexander; Dolomakin, YuriyVacuum evaporative cooling is carried out by selection of heat from the product by evaporation of moisture from it and simple to regulate the speed of the process. When vacuum evaporative cooling ice crystals damage the structure of porous products are impossible because of the positive temperature for the entire period of cooling. Вакуумно-випарне охолоджування здійснюється в результаті відбору теплоти від продукту при випаровуванні вологи з нього і є простим в регулюванні швидкості процесом. При вакуумно-випарному охолоджуванні пошкодження кристалами льоду структури пористих виробів неможливі із-за позитивних температур на весь період охолоджування.Документ Rationale for the development of the design and manufacturing technology of flexible consumer packaging for coffee beans(2024) Dolomakin, Yuriy; Babanova, OlenaКава є одним із найпопулярніших напоїв у світі, споживання якого постійно зростає. Щороку з'являються нові сорти кави, способи заварювання та смаки. Разом з цим зростає попит на якісну упаковку, яка не лише збереже свіжість та аромат кави, а й приверне увагу споживачів та підкреслить риси бренду. Одним із найперспективніших матеріалів для упаковки кави є полімерні плівки, які мають високу бар’єрну здатність, захищаючи каву від зовнішніх факторів. Вони також можуть бути виготовлені з перероблених матеріалів або бути біологічно розкладаними, що відповідає вимогам екологічної безпеки.Документ Searching for the limit yield stress of liquid sourdough(2016) Dolomakin, YuriyFound significance of the limit of yield stress for the liquid sourdough humidity of 65 % and a temperature of 28 °C. Знайдено значення граничного напруження зсуву для рідкої опари вологістю 65 % і температурою 28 °С.Документ Simulation of hydrodynamic phenomena in valve feeders of adaptronic modules for dosing liquid products(2024) Gavva, Oleksandr; Kryvoplias-Volodina, Liudmyla; Dolomakin, Yuriy; Kulyk, Nataliya; Kokhan, AntonRational geometric and hydrodynamic parameters of valve feeders of adaptron modules for dosing liquid food products in automatic packaging machines are determined. Materials and methods. The study of hydrodynamic phenomena based on the simulation modeling of the feeder operation with liquid media, the physical and mechanical characteristics of which are close to Newtonian liquids, was conducted. A feeder with a conical valve and purified drinking water were used in the study. The feeder throughput was 500 cm3/s; the internal diameter of the drain nozzle was 20 mm. Results and discussion. To ensure the continuous flow, minimum overall dimensions of the feeder, and the possibility of regulation by changing the throughput of the feeder nozzle according to a given law, the angle at the base of the cone should be within 50–60°, and the length of the saddle base 20–25 mm. During the movement of the liquid in the valve feeder, three negative factors affecting the parallel laminar movement of the liquid were found: (a)reverse movement of the liquid when it comes into contact with the surface of the base of the valve cone; (b) turbulence cells at the entrance of the liquid into the valve channel, and (c) the tubular form of the liquid flow in the nozzle. These negative factors can be eliminated by using a ball-conical valve with a truncated top. To eliminate turbulence cells in the valve feeder, counter-current movement of liquid, and tubular flow of liquid in the nozzle, it was proposed to make the valve in the form of a conical-spherical shape with a cut-off cone top, and also to extend the inner surface of the seat to the inner surface of the measuring cylinder of the feeder. Under such conditions, a parallel flow of liquid is ensured, which contributes to the accuracy of dose formation and the duration of product storage. Conclusions. The design of the valve in the form of a conically spherical figure with a cut-off cone top according to the provided recommendations allows eliminating the centers of turbulence in the movement of liquid products in the valve feeder.Документ The device for the interfusing of liquid semi-finished products(2016) Dolomakin, YuriyНаведено конструкцію змішувача періодичної дії для рідких напівфабрикатів хлібопекарної промисловості. Shows the batch mixer design for liquid semi-finished bakery industry.Документ The influence on capillary diameter solubility of carbon dioxide in water(2016) Prohorov, Alexander; Svitlyk, Andriy; Dolomakin, YuriyThe functional dependence on the influencing factors of carbon dioxide solubility in water.