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Документ Automated power supply control system for a food industry enterprise using a photovoltaic plant and energy storage(2022) Baliuta, Serhii; Zinkevych, PetroIntroduction. Studies were carried out on the power supply control process of a food industry enterprise using a photoelectric plant and electric energy storage to ensure the efficiency of transmission and use of electrical energy. Materials and methods. The studies were carried out using the methods of modern theory of automatic control and system analysis of control processes. Results and discussion. The main stages of the power supply control process using a photovoltaic plant and an energy storage system are defined: basic control functions – registration of electric energy consumption, forecasting of electric energy generation using a photovoltaic plant, forecasting of electric energy consumption, determination of parameters of the electric energy storage system, analysis power supply system modes; conditions for providing control functions – information on solar radiation; data on electric energy generation using photovoltaic plant, data on electric energy consumption, limitations and tariffs for electric energy, requirements for the accuracy of forecasting electricity consumption and generation of electric energy using photovoltaic plant, data on energy storage system (current charge, maximum and minimum permissible charges), decision-making on optimization of power supply; organizational and technical mechanisms for the implementation of management functions – information and computing complex, energy dispatcher, chief energy engineer; the database of the electrical supply control system, which is used to prepare decisions; basic information flows that ensure the management of electricity supply – forecast values of meteorological data, current data on electric energy consumption, management actions on the regulation of photovoltaic plant and energy storage system, current data on power supply mode parameters; current data on power supply configuration; control actions on optimization of power supply regimes, management actions on the management of electricity quality indicators; control actions for changing the configuration of the power supply. The functional scheme of power supply control using photovoltaic plant and energy storage system is presented and the requirements for individual units are formulated. The synthesis of the food industry enterprise power supply control system is carried out using the method of ensuring compatibility through sequential integration. In order to ensure energy-efficient power supply of food industry enterprise and optimal use of photovoltaic plant and energy storage system, optimization of modes is carried out using dynamic programming methods. Conclusion. The development of control systems for power supply of food industry enterprise using photovoltaic plant and energy storage system based on system analysis and compatibility with the use of mode optimization using dynamic programming methods ensures high efficiency of power supply and rational modes of use of photovoltaic plant and energy storage system.Документ Automated methods of controlling the flow of syrup in the evaporation station with subsystems of decision support and forecasting(2022) Hrama, Mykhailo; Sidletskyi, VictorIntroduction. The purpose of the presented study is to substantiate the methods of regulating the consumption of syrup in the evaporation station with a forecasting subsystem, which will allow to predict the behavior of the system and the decision-making subsystem, which will reduce the influence of the human factor on the course of the evaporation process. Materials and methods. The work of the evaporation station with the subsystem of forecasting and decision support when regulating the consumption of syrup was researched. In the automation scheme for regulating the flow rate of syrup, induction flow meters are used as a sensor. Pneumatic saddle valves with a built-in throttle and an electro-pneumatic converter were used as actuators. Results and discussion. The use of neural sensors occurs only in certain specific cases of intelligent control of the evaporation process, there is no data comparing the use of intelligent regulators with classical ones, the possibility of combining the work of several types of intelligent regulators, as well as clear means of predicting their work and supporting decision-making. Therefore, in this paper, a decision-making subsystem has been justified, which made it possible to assess the priorities of user requests when using a human- machine interface. The highest priority was given to the request to display information on possible changes to the adjustment parameters of other control circuits. The forecasting method was also used to compare the methods of regulating the flow rate of syrup in the apparatus, which made it possible to predict the behavior of the system during the formation of the control action and display the finished forecast on the operator's screen and, thus, increase the efficiency of the evaporation station. Statistical data on the behavior of the contours of the automation system in different modes of operation using intelligent and classical regulators were collected, a model for predicting the operation of an evaporation station by the method of local tendency was built and a forecasting algorithm was developed. The accuracy of the obtained forecasting model is also evaluated. The accuracy of the forecasting model was 98% for the PID controller, 95% for the neural fuzzy regulator and 96% for the neural network. Conclusions. The model for predicting the operation of the evaporation station is characterized by high accuracy in general, but during the occurrence of oscillations in the transition process, there is an insignificant delay in predicting these fluctuations. The most important in the output of information by the decision-making subsystem is the function of displaying information about the possible changes to the parameters of regulation of other control circuits.Документ Intelligent automatic control of sugar factory evaporator operation using behavior prediction subsystem(2022) Hrama, Mykhailo; Sidletskyi, Victor; Elperin, IgorIntroduction. The aim of the presented research was to substantiate the intelligent automatic control of the sugar juice evaporation with the subsystem for behavior prediction, which allows to determine the behavior of the automatic system. Materials and methods. The operation of the evaporator unit with system behavior prediction to regulate the sugar juice level was investigated. Capacitive level gauges were used as a sensor in the automation scheme of sugar juice level control. Pneumatic seat valves with a built-in throttle and an electro¬pneumatic converter were used as actuators. Results and discussion. The use of neuro-fuzzy regulators occurs only in some specific cases of intelligent control of the evaporation process. There is no data comparing the use of intelligent regulators with classical ones and the possibility of combining several types of intelligent regulators, as well as clear means of predicting their work. Therefore, in the present study, a prediction method was used to compare methods to regulate the level of sugar juice in the evaporator. This made it possible to predict the behavior of the system during the formation of the control action and display the finished forecast on the operator's screen, which made it possible to increase the efficiency of the evaporative station. Statistical data on the behavior of the automation system contours in various operating modes were collected using intelligent and classical controllers, and a model was built to determine the operation of the evaporator using the local trend method and the modified algorithm of prediction. The advantage of this method is its easy and fast implementation, which does not require large economic and energy costs. The accuracy of the prediction model was 98% for the PID-controller, 95% for the fuzzy-controller and 96% for the neural network. The obtained model of the system prediction is stable because the absolute error does not change when dividing the time series into intervals. Conclusions. The proposed system of intelligent automated control of the evaporation of sugar juice with a modified prediction method based on local trends has an insignificant delay, while prediction is performed with high accuracy and stability.Документ Формування системи якості підприємства(2021) Шереметинська (Горобець), Оксана Валеріївна; Захарченко, Артем АндрійовичРозглянуто теоретичні аспекти системи управління якістю на підприємстві, окреслено методи та класифікацію існуючих систем управління якістю. Досліджено сутність правового регулювання системи управління якістю та охарактеризовано її сучасний стан. Зазначено, як деякі фахівці класифікують способи управління якістю. Запропоновано рекомендації щодо вдосконалення системи управління якістю. Considers the theoretical aspects of the quality management system at the enterprise, outlines the methods and classification of existing quality management systems. The essence of legal regulation of the quality management system is investigated and its current state is characterized. It is noted how some experts classify quality management methods. Recommendations for improving the quality management system at a domestic enterprise are offered.Документ Fuzzy logic energy management system of food manufacturing processes(2020) Baliuta, Serhii; Kopylova, Liudmyla; Kuievda, Yulia; Kuyevda, Valery; Kovalchuk, OlenaIntroduction. The research is conducted to justify the method of increasing the efficiency of electrical power use in food production processes, which is based on the algorithms of fuzzy power management system. Materials and methods. The study is based on optimal and fuzzy control methods, such as Mamdani and Sugeno algorithms. Computer simulation was performed using MATLAB Simulink. Results and discussion. The control criterion of power supply of food production is formulated in the form of a functional minimization problem, which depends on the expected value of active and reactive power losses, active and reactive power losses at the level of secondary substations and individual load nodes. Maintaining energy efficient voltages in the power supply system nodes is chosen as a control task. It is determined the dependence of energy efficient voltages on the nominal voltage of the power system, the active resistance of its segments, the power and the coefficient of linearized static load characteristics at the network nodes, the equivalent active resistance, the nominal power, open circuit and short circuit losses of secondary substation transformers. To solve the control problem, an algorithm is synthesized using fuzzy controllers at the levels of the primary and secondary substations. In particular, it is determined that the input signals of the secondary substation fuzzy regulator should be the deviation from the energy efficient voltages and the rate of voltage change, and the output signals should be the transformer voltage and the actuation delay. Using numerical methods it is shown that this algorithm can reduce electricity losses in food production processes up to 7% compared to classical voltage regulation methods. Conclusions. The fuzzy system method under study ensures that energy-efficient voltage levels are maintained at the distribution network nodes when the voltage of the power source or the consumer loads are changed.Документ Інноваційна система контролю бару «СКБАРА» як засіб підвищення конкурентоспроможності готельно-ресторанного господарства(2020) Кошшої, Олександр Степанович; Нікітіна, Тетяна АндріївнаУ статті обґрунтовано необхідність впровадження інновацій; досліджено застосування технології контролю бару як інноваційної діяльності у сфері послуг готельно-ресторанного господарства; розкрито інноваційні різновиди системи, які застосовуються в закладах готельно-ресторанного господарства; наведено переваги різновидів системи, а також охарактеризовано їхні функції та можливості, що впливають на конкурентоспроможність ресторану в цілому.The article justifies the needs of innovations implementation; have been investigating the bar control technologies as innovative activities in hotel and restaurant business; have been revealed the concept of innovative variety of systems which are used in hotel and restaurant business; have been demonstrated the advantages of systems variety and described functions and possibilities that have an impact on competitiveness of restaurant business in general.Документ Розширення функціональних можливостей автоматизованих систем керування технологічними об’єктами(2016) Луцька, Наталія МиколаївнаЗапропоновано порівняльну характеристику сучасних методик синтезу систем керування для технологічних об’єктів з невизначеностями. Розглянуто основні характеристики методів розробки робастно-оптимальних регуляторів,їх переваги та недоліки, а саме: Loopshaping, 2-Ріккаті підхід,µ-синтез, LMI-підхід, а також оптимізаційний метод негладкого синтезу. Подано передатні функції робастних регуляторів, параметри та структура яких синтезовані за критерієм мінімуму Н∞-норми замкненої системи. Наведено структуру системи керування, за якою проведено моделювання систем з різними робастними регуляторами, а також розраховано показники якості та стійкості систем на всьому діапазоні невизначеності. Найкращі показники виявилися у системи з регулятором, що розрахований за алгоритмом µ-синтезу, однак порядок регулятора набагато вищий за порядок об’єкта. Найменшу область невизначеності, за якої система зберігає стійкість, виявлено в системі з PID-регулятором, параметри якого розраховані за алгоритмом негладкого синтезу.Документ Методологічні основи управління споживанням електричної енергії промисловими підприємствами(2015) Балюта, Сергій Миколайович; Йовбак, Василь Дмитрович; Копилова, Людмила Олександрівна; Корольов, Є. О.В статті представлені методологічні основи управління режимами електроспоживання промислових підприємств. Показано, що основними факторами, які впливають на управління електроспоживанням є тарифи на електричну енергію, режими роботи електропримачів, якість електричної енергії. Показано, що ефективними методами управління електроспоживанням є використання споживачів-регуляторів електричної енергії, методів нормування витрат електричної енергії на виробництво продукції, а також оптимізації режимів систем електроспоживання. Для ефективного управління електроспоживанням доцільно застосовувати інтелектуальні методи короткострокового прогнозування режимів електроспоживання, а оперативне управління електроспоживанням і режимами електричних мереж промислових підприємств може бути виконано в режимі реального часу. В статті представлені основні положення побудови автоматизованих систем управління використанням електричної енергії і комплексів технічних засобів контролю енергоспоживання.Документ Використання принципів НАССР при виробництві сиру кисломолочного(2019) Солошенко, Катерина Ігорівна; Слободян, Ольга Петрівна; Матиящук, Олена ВолодимирівнаВ роботі розглядаються ризики хімічного, фізичного,біологічного походження та точки критичного контролю при виробництві сиру кисломолочного. The work considers the risks of chemical, physical, biological origin and critical control point in the production of sour milk cheese.Документ Інтелектуальне управління електроспоживанням промислового підприємства(2019) Балюта, Сергій Миколайович; Йовбак, Василь Дмитрович; Копилова, Людмила Олександрівна; Соколова, Ольга МиколаївнаУ статті представлено системний аналіз процесу керування електроспоживанням промислового підприємства з урахуванням впливу системи електропостачання. В результаті аналізу визначено основні етапи процесу керування: базові функції керування, умови забезпечення функцій керування; базові інформаційні потоки, які забезпечують керування електроспоживанням. The paper presents a systematic analysis of the process of controlling the consumption of industrial enterprises taking into account the influence of the power supply system. As a result of the analysis, the main stages of the management process are defined: the basic control functions, the conditions for the management functions; basic information flows that provide management of power consumption.