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Документ Process research of grind enriched groats products in the roller machine of the 2-nd grinding system of milling of high-grade flour(2023) Liubych, Vitaliy; Yeremeeva, Olena; Kharchenko, YevgenThe modes of grinding are determined and the mathematical dependences of the product of flour and grain products of the second grinding system with additional equipment entoleiter-dismembler ESM-1,5 are offered. The largest product of flour on the 2nd grinding system is achieved by grinding modes on a roller machine – 35 %. The use of entoleiter-dismembler ECM-1.5 allows to increase the total product of flour on the 2nd grinding system to 62 %.Документ Зміна реологічних властивостей суспензії лікарських і косметичних засобів під час подрібнення в бісерних млинах(2023) Грінінг, Катерина Робертівна; Губеня, Олексій ОлександровичРеологічні властивості суспензій рицинової олії та суспензії для косметичних засобів на її основі під час подрібнення в бісерному млині у межах дослідженого діапазону залежно від тривалості вимірювань не змінюються. Залежність вʼязкості від швидкості зсуву під час подрібнення суспензії має степеневий характер і підтверджує неньютонівський характер. В’язкість змінюється логарифмічно для всіх значень температури і становить 1,011 Па‧с для рицинової олії та 2,127 Па‧с для суспензії на її основі. Суспензія має у 2,1 раза більшу в’язкість порівняно з рициновою олією, що пояснюється високим вмістом сухих речовин (40%) та збільшенням новоутвореної площі під час надтонкого подрібнення. Evaluation of rheological characteristics is an integral and important part of research on the creation of soft dosage forms, which affect such technological parameters of the systemas emuls ification, transportation, and also ensure proper consumer properties (spreadability, uniformdistribution and fixation on the surface. The rheological properties of drug and cosmetic s uspensions during grinding in a bead mill were studied. The suspension was prepared according to the recipe: pigment iron oxide red 120 — 40% and castor oil — 60%. The duration of grinding is 45 minutes (2700 s). During grinding, the bead mill chamber was sampled every 5 minutes (300 s) and the shear stress at different values of the shear rate was measured. Rheological characteristics – viscosity and shear stress were studied on a rotary viscometer. The flow curves of castor oil and suspension were constructed and it was established that, based on it, within the studied range, the nature of the flow does not change depending on the duration of the measurements. The analysis of the suspension curve during grin - ding revealed features that explain the formation and the structure formation. The dependence of effective viscosity on the shear rate when grinding the suspension has a power-law character and con - firms the non-Newtonian nature and is defined as a linear plastic body. The temperature dependence of the effective viscosity of castor oil and suspension was compared. The viscosity of both tested substances varies logarithmically for all investigated temperature values and is equal to 1,011 Pa‧s for castor oil, which corresponds to the value in the manufacturerʼs specification, and 2,127 Pa‧s for the suspension based on castor oil. The suspension under study has 2,1 times higher viscosity compared to castor oil, according to the high content of solids (40%) and the increase in the newly formed area during the ultrafine grinding process. The obtained results of research on the rheological properties of the suspension allow us to monitor and adjust the parameters of ultrafine grinding process for achieving the required product quality.Документ Energy parameters of the process of ultrafine grinding og medical and cosmetic components in the bead mill(2021) Hrininh, Kateryna; Gubenia, Oleksii; Chepeliuk, OlenaThe process of ultrafine grinding of components of medicines and cosmetics in a laboratory bead mill is considered. The purpose of the study is (1) to determine the energy parameters of the process of ultrafine grinding of medicinal and cosmetic components in a bead mill, as well as (2) to determine the dependences of changes in technological parameters. A suspension of castor oil and cosmetic pigment in a ratio of 60% oil and 40% pigment was used as a model body. A series of experiments was carried out, where the degree of grinding was determined using a microscope with a built-in camera and software, the temperature was measured with ds18b20 temperature sensors, the power was measured with a three-phase CNFAJ Intelligent Power Meter. When grinding the pigment "red 120" for a period of time from 0 to 45 minutes, the power decreases, the temperature of the "beads-product" system increases, and the particle size decreases. This process occurs most intensively in the first 5 minutes. Most of the energy is spent on the work, which is spent on mixing the system "beads-product", and the work, that is spent on heating the structural components of the product and the parts of the mill interacting with them, which, in turn, depend on rheological properties of the suspension.Документ Energy parameters of ultrafine grinding of pharmaceutical and cosmetic ingredients in the bead mill(2020) Hrininh, Kateryna; Gubenia, OleksiiThe energy parameters of the grinding process of the components of pharmaceutical and cosmetic preparations in a bead mill are considered. The purpose of research - to determine the energy parameters of ultrafine grinding of pharmaceutical and cosmetic ingredients in the bead mill. A series of experimenters was conducted where the degree of grinding was measured using USB Digital Microscope and software, the temperature was measured with a TPM-10 electronic thermometer, and the power was measured with a CNFAJ Intelligent Power Meter three-phase wattmeter. As a result of the study, we can conclude that most of the energy is spent on the work of mixing the beadproduct system and the work spent on heating the structural components of the product and the interacting parts of the mill, which, in turn, depend on the rheological properties of the suspension.Документ Formation of suspension structure in the process of grinding in bead mills(2020) Hrininh, Kateryna; Gubenia, Oleksii; Telychkun, YuliiaIt has been investigated the rheological properties of the suspension of farmaceutical and cosmetics preparates during grinding at an experimental laboratory bead mill of periodic action. The rheological characteristics have been investigated on a rotary viscometer Reotest 2. as a result of the research, the flow curve of the suspension during grinding has been constructed and it has been found that within the investigated range the product does not change the character of flow regardless of measurement time and temperature. Analysis of the curve of the suspension during grinding revealed features which explain formation of the structure. The dependence of the effective viscosity on the shear rate during grinding of the suspension is polynomial and confirms the non Newtonian character of the product and is defined as a linear plastic body. The investigated finished product has 6.5 time’s higher viscosity in relation to pure castor oil, which is explained by the high dry matter content (40 %) and the increase in the newly formed area. The viscosity of the suspension varies depending on the temperature: cooled to 20 °C, the finished product has a viscosity of 22.5% higher than immediately after the grinding process with a temperature of 34 °CДокумент Review of the working bodies of vertical bead mills(2019) Hrininh, Kateryna; Gubenia, Oleksii; Litovchenko, IgorIt is considered existing configurations of the working members of vertical bead mills for grinding cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food products by a wet method. In standard designs of rotors with disks and / or pins, due to the presence of centrifugal forces, there is a stagnant zone in which the movement of the beads and the product is practically not observed. As a result of which the product has an uneven particle size distribution and the time spent on the process increases. the configuration of the rotor with a reduced annular gap provides a reduction in the time of grinding of solid materials in suspension, with a smaller volume of the grinding chamber.Документ Investigation the process of superfine grinding of components of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products on the bead mill(2018) Hrininh, Kateryna; Hordeichuk, Ruslan; Gubenia, OleksiiThe process of grinding the components of pharmaceutical and cosmetic preparations in a bead mill is considered. The degree of grinding was measured with a "Klin" grindometer, the temperature was measured by a contactless pyrometer, the power was measured by current clamps. The smaller the particle size and the higher density of the suspension, the greater the energy required to conduct the process, and the more heat will be released. When grinding titanium dioxide over a period of 0 to 30 minutes, the power increases from 205 to 209 W, with the most intensive increase observed in the interval from 5 to 10 minutes at 2.33 W. In addition, the temperature of the suspension increases from 21.9 to 23.4 °C, the density of the suspension increases from 889 to 1176 kg/m3, and the particle size decreases from more than 100 μm to 10 μm, the most intensive grinding in the first 5 minutes of the process. When the quinacridone red Red 122 is grinded, the power is increased from 205 to 210 W, the slurry temperature is from 22.4 to 24.3 °C, the density is from 870 to 952 kg/m3, and the particle size decreases from more than 60 μm to 2 μm, while the most intensive grinding occurs in the first 5 minutes of the process.Документ Comparative analysis of equipment and research the superfine grinding process of titanium dioxide and quinacridone red suspensions in the bead mill(2018-06) Hrininh, Kateryna; Hordeichuk, Ruslan; Gubenia, OleksiiIntroduction. Analytical and experimental research was conducted to improve the process and equipment for the superfine grinding of medicinal and cosmetic preparations. Materials and methods. On the basis of modern scientific literature and own experience was given a comparative analysis of modern equipment for ultra-fine grinding. In the investigation are used suspensions of titanium dioxide and quinacridone red 122 with the vaseline oil. Results and discussion. Among the recommended installations, the most versatile, productive, compact, energy saving, with high degree for grinding (up to 1 microns), effective in the process of dispersion and homogenization, have a simple constructive solution are bead mills. When grinding titanium dioxide over a period of 0 to 30 minutes, the power increases from 205 to 209 W. The temperature of the suspension is from 21.9 to 23.4 °C, the density increases from 889 to 1176 kg/m3, and the particle size decreases from more than 100 μm to 10 μm. The most intensive grinding in the first 5 minutes of the process. When the quinacridone red 122 is grinded, the power is increased from 205 to 210 W, the temperature of the suspension is from 22.4 to 24.3 °C, the density increases from 870 to 952 kg/m3, and the particle size decreases from more than 60 μm to 2 μm, while the most intensive grinding occurs in the first 5 minutes of the process. Conclusions. Among the recommended installations, the most optimal and productive are bead mills. It is recommended to carry out the grinding process on the bead mills periodically with the circulation of the suspension with the obligatory cooling.Документ Investigation of particle size distribution of grinded amber by electropulse discharges in a liquid medium(2021-01-27) Chornyi, Valentyn; Kharchenko, Yevgen; Mysiura, Taras; Popova, Nataliia; Zavialov, VolodymyrThe article presents the study results of electropulse grinding of amber in aqueous and alcoholic media at different amounts of supplied energy. Description of the electropulse grinding laboratory installation, the mechanism of the destruction process of amber particles and methods of statistical processing of experimental data are given. It was established that alcohol medium has a greater impact on the efficiency of crushing than water. Thus, under the same conditions of energy supply, in the aqueous medium the weighted average particle size of amber was 601:6 688:9 m, and in an alcohol medium – 368:0 269:6 m. In an aqueous medium, the particle size decreased to 1/13.6 of raw sample, and in an alcoholic medium to 1/22.3 of raw sample compared to the initial size of raw amber. We found that in the aqueous medium the ratio of large to small fractions is mainly the same with the coefficient of alignment of particles with a size of 1.09. In an alcoholic medium, this ratio significantly differs, with the coefficient of alignment of amber particles of a size of 1.67 with the amount of supplied energy of 125 kJ. В статті представлені результати дослідження електроімпульсного подрібнення бурштину у водному та спиртовому середовищах при різній кількості підведеної енергії. Описано лабораторну електроімпульсну установку, механізм процесу руйнування бурштинових частинок і методів статистичної обробки експериментальних даних. Встановлено, що спиртове середовище має більший вплив на еффективність подрібнення, ніж вода. Таким чином, при однакових умовах підведення енергії, у водному середовищі середньозважений розмір частинок бурштину становив 601 мкм, а в спиртовому середовищі - 368 мкм. У водному середовищі, розмір частинок зменшився до 1/13,6 від необробленого зразка, а в спиртовому середовищі середній розмір частинок зменшився до 1/22,3 в порівнянні із початковим розміром необробленого зразка бурштину. Ми знайшли що у водному середовищі співвідношення крупних та дрібних фракційв основному таке саме, як і коефіцієнта вирівняності частинок за розмірами 1,09. У спиртовому середовищі, це співвідношення суттєво відрізняється, причому коефіциєнт розміру частинок бурштину із розміром 1,67 мкм із кількістю енергії, яку підведено 125 кДж.Документ Вплив кількості циклів обробки в роторно-пульсаційному апараті на дисперсність часток рослинної сировини(2019) Мирончук, Валерій Григорович; Ободович, Олександр Миколайович; Сидоренко, Віталій ВолодимировичВ статті розглянуто як впливає кількість циклів обробки в роторно-пульсаційному апараті дисперсність часток рослинної сировини. В якості вихідної сировини було вибрано солому пшениці та стебла кукурудзи. При обробці водної дисперсії соломи пшениці в роторно-пульсаційному апараті з частотою пульсацій 1 кГц для досягнення розміру 100% часток менше за 80 мкм необхідно 42 цикли. The article examines how the number of cycles of processing in the rotary pulsating apparatus affects the dispersion of particles of vegetable raw materials. Wheat and corn stalks were selected as feedstock. When processing an aqueous dispersion of wheat straw in a rotary pulsation machine with a pulsation frequency of 1 kHz to achieve a size of 100% of particles less than 80 μm requires 42 cycles.
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