Перегляд за Автор "Bessarab, Alexander"
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Документ Adsorption of heavy metals ions from liquid media by palygorscite(2015) Melnyk, Lyudmila; Bessarab, Alexander; Matko, Svetlana; Malovanyy, MiroslavДосліджено процес адсорбції природним мінералом палигорскітом важких металів із стічних вод і харчових продуктів (яблучний сік). Вивчено процеси вилучення міді, кадмію, свинцю, ртуті та цинку. Визначено раціональні технологічні параметри цих процесів. Встановлено механізм адсорбції важких металів з яблучного соку палигорскітом.Документ Analysis of the influence of the products’ nitrate pollution(2016) Benderska (Dushchak), Olga; Bessarab, Alexander; Shutyuk, VitaliyWe have analyzed contemporary research works, as well as literary sources containing information on the level of quality and safety of horticultural crops. The paper focuses mostly on the issue of food contamination by endogenous and exogenous substances. The key problem of the research is an excess of nitrates and their derivates which fruit and vegetables contain. According to the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine, 10% of plants contain more nitrates, than it is allowed by the maximum permitted level values. The actual statistical value of nitrates per capita in Ukraine amounts to approximately 260 mg/day, whereas the acceptable daily intake per day equals to 280 mg. On the basis of research analysis we have singled out the main reasons for ingestion of excessive amount of nitrates with food and defined the consequences of this process for consumers, having also advised a range of methods aimed at decreasing the amount of nitrates and their derivates. Ми проаналізували сучасні науково-дослідні роботи, а також літературні джерела, що містять інформацію про рівень якості та безпеки садівничих культур. Документ зосереджується в основному на питанні забруднення їжі ендогенними та екзогенними речовинами. Ключова проблема дослідження - надлишок нітратів та їх похідних, які містять фрукти та овочі. За даними Міністерства охорони здоров’я України, 10% рослин містять більше нітратів, ніж дозволено максимально дозволеними рівнями. Фактичне статистичне значення нітратів на душу населення в Україні становить приблизно 260 мг / добу, тоді як прийнятне щоденне споживання в день дорівнює 280 мг. На основі аналізу досліджень ми виділили основні причини поглинання надмірної кількості нітратів з їжею та визначили наслідки цього процесу для споживачів, також порадивши низку методів, спрямованих на зменшення кількості нітратів та їх похідних.Документ Analysis of the process of formation of N-nitrosodimethylamine in brewer’s malt(2014) Shutyuk, Vitaliy; Bessarab, Alexander; Haralanova, Temenuzhka; Vasylenko, SergeiThe article deals with the issues of carcinogenic substances formation in the manufacture of beer. It is shown that the basic technological process, that influences the N-NDMA accumulation in beer, is brewer's malt drying. The determining factor, influencing the N-NDMA content in malt, is the concentration of nitrogen dioxide at the entrance to malt layer. In the course of research, drying conditions typical for dryers of «Latvian Academy of Agriculture» type, one-deck dryers and apparatuses on malt manufacturing in combined way were secured. The measuring of nitric oxides was carried out by the means of gas- analyzer of 645 HL 20 type, the principle of operation of which is based on chemiluminescent method of determination of nitric oxide. More intensive absorption of nitrogen dioxide were observed during the first stage (constant speed) of drying due to the large number of free moisture presence in malt – a good nitrogen dioxide absorbent. The concentration of nitrogen dioxide in the drying agent has the greatest impact on intensification of N-NDMA formation processes in malt, that is recorded in all experiments. That is why in order to achieve guaranteed quality of the product, one should establish the limit of concentration of NDMA in malt equaling 15 mcg/kg. Drying of malt with drying agent with concentration of nitric dioxide up to 0,4 mg/m3 guarantees concentration of NDMA lower than this limit. This concentration should be limiting in the field of development of modern heating vent systems.Документ Analysis of variants of solid fuel production from sugar industry waste and conditions needed for its burning(2015) Shutyuk, Vitaliy; Vasylenko, Tatiana; Bessarab, Alexander; Samiilenko, SerhiiThe use of alternative fuel and energy resources should be considered as the strategic approach to solving energy issues of Ukraine’s economy. Currently the potential capabilities of growing sugar beet in Ukraine are twice as good as the need for sugar production support. On a total mass basis the major part of solid waste of sugar industry (up to 75…83 % in relation to the mass of processed sugar beet) accrues to pulp. Currently the most of pulp is not used and has to be taken to stockpiles or fields before the start of the new sugar campaign. Potentially, the amount of pulp which can be used for energy needs takes up 4,5…5 million tons per year, or in conversion to dry basis - 330…370 thousand tons. There are two possible ways of its use: use of dried pulp as secondary fuel and direct firing of pressed pulp.Документ Biological value of tomato processing by-products(2021) Benderska (Dushchak), Olga; Bessarab, Alexander; Shutyuk, Vitaliy; Iegorov, Bogdan; Kashkano, MarianaThe article analyzes the biological value of secondary products of tomato processing, namely tomato seeds, which, for the most part, is not considered as an object of processing. The use of secondary raw materials formed in the production of tomato products as a source of biologically active substances with their subsequent use in food technology is proposed. The results of theoretical and experimental studies of the biological value of tomato seeds. It has been found that tomato seeds have a high nutritional and biological value due to the high concentration of proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. У статті проведено аналіз біологічної цінності вторинних продуктів томатопереробки, а саме томатного насіння, що, здебільшого не розглядається в харчовій промисловості як об’єкт перероблення. Запропоновано застосування вторинної сировини, що утворюється при виробництві томатопродуктів – томатного насіння, – як джерела отримання біологічно активних речовин з подальшим їх використанням в технологіях харчових продуктів. Наведено результати теоретичних та експериментальних досліджень фізико-хімічного складу томатного насіння.Документ Cryogenic technology of fine-dispersed powdered additives from topinambour(2015) Pavlyuk, Raisa; Pogarskaya, Viktoriya; Bessarab, Alexander; Borisova, Alina; Balabay, EkaterinaThe cryogenic technology of fine-dispersed powdered additives from artichoke wafers is proposed and developed, which differs from the traditional use of cryogenic "shock" freezing, low-temperature mechanical grinding and sublimation drying, which allows more complete removal of biologically active substances from the state bound to nanocomplexes into free and to destroy a significant part Polysaccharide inulin to individual monomers - fructose.Документ Formation of N-nitrozodimetilamin in food(2015) Sudak, Oksana; Shtym, Ekaterina; Bessarab, Alexander; Shutyuk, VitaliyIn theses The influence of core processes on the accumulation of carcinogenic compounds in food production. У тезах розглянуто вплив основних технологічних процесів на накопичення канцерогенних сполук у виробництві харчових продуктів. В тезисах рассмотрено влияние основных технологических процессов на накопление канцерогенных соединений в производстве пищевых продуктов.Документ Innovative solutions to research in drying technology of food raw materials(2013) Shutyuk, Vitaliy; Vasylenko, Sergei; Bessarab, Alexander; Vasyliv, VolodymyrReasons over of growing interest are brought in the processes of drying, and also some aspects of co-operation of industry and scientific university collectives in embodiment and application. The tendencies of research of processes of drying, that appear on the joint of different areas of science with the use of forward possibilities of technical process, are examined.Наведено причини зростаючого інтересу до процесів сушіння, а також деякі аспекти взаємодії промисловості й наукових університетських колективів у втіленні та застосуванні. Розглядаються тенденції дослідження процесів сушіння, що з'являються на стику різних галузей науки з використанням поступальних можливостей технічного процесу.Документ Intensification of mass transfer processes in gas-liquid media by discrete - pulse energy input method(2016) Bessarab, Alexander; Obodovich, Alexander; Sydorenko, VitaliiThe aim of this study was the intensification of the aeration of culture media in a fermenter by the method of discrete - pulse input of energy, which is being implemented in a rotor - pulsating apparatus. The process of aeration of culture media in the technology of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae growing by discrete - pulse energy input. The mass transfer rate of oxygen was determined by the number of yeast biomass grown for cultivation period. Метою даного дослідження була інтенсифікація процесу аерації культуральних середовищ методом дискретно - імпульсного введення енергії, який реалізується в роторно - пульсаційному апараті. Досліджено процес аерації культуральних середовищ в технології вирощування дріжджів Saccharomyces cerevisiae методом дискретно-імпульсного введення енергії. Швидкість масоперенесення кисню визначалася за кількістю біомаси дріжджів, вирощених за період культивування.Документ Mechanical and chemical processes during the development of cryogenic technology of nanopowders from topinamdur with prebiotic properties(2016) Bessarab, Alexander; Pavlyuk, Raisa; Pogarskaya, Viktoriya; Balabay, Ekaterina; Baklan (Gagan), Inna; Galinska, Olexandra; Benderska (Dushchak), OlgaMechanical and chemical processes during the development of cryogenic technology of nanopowders from topinamdur with prebiotic properties.Документ Methods for determining the form of channels spray device dryers(2013) Bessarab, Alexander; Shutyuk, Vitaliy; Boyko, V. I.; Vasyliv, VolodymyrMethod of constructing geometric shape of flow channel, which provides slow transition between intermediate section of channel, enabling to reduce unevenness of velocity field in channel and to reduce aerodynamic losses of spray drying device settings.Документ Microbiological, Physico-Chemical and Organoleptic Parameters of Apple Juice, Processed by Shungite(2013) Melnyk, Lyudmila; Bessarab, Alexander; Matko, SvetlanaThis paper is dedicated to results of studying microbiological, physico-chemical and organoleptical parameters of apple juice processed by shungite. Shungite is a natural mineral which has special structural composition, characterized by the existence of fullerenes and nanotubes. This paper explains the methods applied by the authors to prepare shungite for experimental research, to process apple juice by adsorbent, to determine the quantity of microorganisms in juice after it interacted with shungite, weight percentage of dissolvable dry solids, active acidity and quality parameters. In juice, processed by shungite, bacteria, fungi and yeast were detected. The authors made a comparison between microbial population in juice before and after its interaction with shungite. The paper refers to method under which shungite adsorbs bacteria, fungi and yeasts. The authors presented the results of studying dry solids content, active acidity of apple juice, processed by shungite at various temperatures and conducted assessment of apple juice quality after its interaction with sorbent. Through their research, the authors established rational parameters of apple juice processed by shungite under which the maximum reduction of microbial insemination is reached. The research proved that after apple juice interacts with shungite, its dry solids content and active acidity level remain unchanged. This paper confirmed high quality parameters of apple juice processed by shungite. Taking into account the obtained results, the authors concluded that use of shungite to process apple juice does not require expensive equipment, complex maintenance of the processing procedure, which reduce the cost value of a manufactured product.Документ New multifunctional dietary supplements based on raw carrot(2013) Bessarab, Alexander; Bandurenko, Galina; Levkivska (Muzika), TetianaIn the work was scientific justification of an integrated approach to processing carrot to get two carotene-compound multifunctional food additives in dry and liquid form. У роботі був науково обгрунтуваний комплексний підхід до переробки моркви з отриманням двох каротиновмісних багатофункціональних харчових добавок у сухому і рідкому вигляді.Документ Research of drying of brewer pellets aimed at increasing of its efficiency and lowering of power consumption(2016) Sukmanov, Valeriy; Bessarab, Alexander; Shutyuk, Vitaliy; Stefanov, StefanThis paper presents the results of research of the drying process in the brewer pellets in aerovibrofluidized bed. The kinetics of drying of pellets in the suspension bed has been experimentally studied. We have received the generalized drying curve of brewer pellets at different process conditions. The generalized drying curve received as a collocation of the drying curves of brewer pellets at different process conditions is an indication of constant value of speed multiplied by time of drying, which simplifies the calculations of changes in moisture content during certain periods of the heat treatment of the product.We offered the relative ratio of energy consumption; proportionality factor of performance and bed depth; qualified expenditure power consumption indicator, which allow to reasonably choose conditions of brewer pellets drying and significantly improve the value of energy saving performance indicators of the drying process. There have also been introduced the parameters of qualified expenditure power consumption and the non-dimentional coefficient of power consumption.Документ Research of fatty acid composition of tomato seeds(2018) Benderska (Dushchak), Olga; Bessarab, Alexander; Shutyuk, VitaliyIn the article, the technology is considered for the production of edible powders from vegetal raw materials (berries). The technology for producing powders from berries is developed to produce a high-quality product in which all ingredients of raw materials are kept in a concentrated form.У статті розглянуто технологічні властивості харчових порошків із ягід. Наведено результати теоретичних та експериментальних досліджень якості порошку із чорниці, отриманого методом сушіння з використанням валкової сушарки та подальшим його подрібненням. Дослідження показали, що порошок чорниці є багатим джерелом вітамінів, антиоксидантів та комплексів фенольних сполук.Документ Research on the effect of super high frequency field on green tea extraction and extract quality(2020) Rubanka, Kateryna; Bessarab, Alexander; Terletska, VitaThe article characterises non-brick green tea as a product of mass consumption. It has been described how practical it is to produce liquid extracts based on it and use them further in the non alcoholic drinks technology. Achieving high yields of extractives from tea requires intensification of the mass transfer process. The analysis of scientific sources has shown that pre-treatment of raw materials is one of the most promising methods for this purpose. The article presents comparative characteristics of green tea extracts obtained using pre treatment in the super high frequency field and of ones produced without it. The optimal power of the super high frequency field for extracts heated up to 60°С has been selected and analysed. If the energy of super high frequency is applied to a fresh mixture of tea and an extractant, with its further extraction in a rotary extractor IKA-RV-10 at the dilution 280 mBr, the yield of extractives doubles. The action of the microwave field leads to a 40% increase in the content of extractives in the resulting extract: the yield of phenolic substances increases by 44%, of caffeine by 45%, of substances with vitamin P activity by 23%, compared with the extracts produced without additional treatment. However, the chlorophyll and aldehyde content decreases. Pre-treatment with super high frequency energy in the course of green tea extraction helps effectively extract phenolic compounds like catechins that affect the taste of final beverages. This technique allows doubling the yield of catechins. Besides, it has been confirmed that the chemical composition (namely the quantity of hydroxyl groups in the catechin structure) determines the intensity of the transition of catechins into the composition of the extract. The findings on the safety of the extracts obtained have allowed establishing that though the contents of mercury, arsenic, lead, copper, and iron increase, they do not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations. This proves the safety of the extracts produced. The research results obtained make it possible to intensify the plant extract production technology without using any special extractors.Документ Study of the use of edible powders in tomato sauce technologies(2018) Benderska (Dushchak), Olga; Bessarab, Alexander; Shutyuk, VitaliyIn the article, the technology is considered for the production of edible powders from vegetal raw materials (berries). The technology for producing powders from berries is developed to produce a high-quality product in which all ingredients of raw materials are kept in a concentrated form.Документ Study of the use of edible powders tomato sauce technologies(2017) Benderska (Dushchak), Olga; Bessarab, Alexander; Shutyuk, VitaliyConsidered the technology for the production of edible powders from vegetable raw materials. The technology for producing powders from berries is developed to produce a high-quality product in which all ingredients of raw materials are stored in a concentrated form.Документ Study of the use of edible powders tomato sauce technologies(2017) Benderska (Dushchak), Olga; Bessarab, Alexander; Shutyuk, VitaliyConsidered the technology for the production of edible powders from vegetable raw materials. The technology for producing powders from berries is developed to produce a high-quality product in which all ingredients of raw materials are stored in a concentrated form.Документ Technology production of dried vitaminized vegetables(2016) Malezhik, Ivan; Bessarab, Alexander; Bandurenko, Galina; Levkivska (Muzika), TetianaConducted studies on the production of vitaminous dried vegetables. Product after blanching treated with a cold solution of ascorbic acid. After drying, the products contain up to 100 mg / 100 g of vitamin C. Проведені дослідження по виробництву вітамінізованих сушених овочів. Продукти після бланшування обробляли холодним розчином аскорбінової кислоти. Після сушіння продукти містять до 100 мг/100г вітаміну С.