Перегляд за Автор "Kuzmin, Oleg"
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Документ 1H NMR analysis of the aqueous-alcoholic mixtures, prepared in demineralized by reverse osmosis water(2014) Kuzmin, Oleg; Topol’nik, Vera; Fatiukha, Andrew; Volkova, GannaResearch of mechanisms of transformation of ethanol protons (ethyl rectified spirit) and water (demineralized by reverse osmosis) in the process of creating aqueous-alcoholic mixtures.Документ 1H NMR analysis of the aqueous-alcoholic mixtures, prepared with drinking water of south-eastern region of Ukraine(2013) Kuzmin, Oleg; Topol’nik, Vera; Sujkov, SergeyThe mechanisms of transformation of protons of ethanol and drinking-water are studied in the process of creation of aqueous-alcoholic mixtures.Документ 1H NMR analysis of the aqueous-alcoholic mixtures, prepared with softened water using Na-cationization(2014) Kuzmin, Oleg; Topol’nik, Vera; Fatiukha, Andrew; Volkova, GannaResearch of mechanisms of transformation of ethanol protons (ethyl rectified spirit) and water (softened by using Na-cationization) in the process of creating aqueous-alcoholic mixtures.Документ 1Н NMR-spectroscopy of water-alcohol systems in the process of electrochemical activation of drinking water(2019) Kuzmin, Oleg; Romanchenko, NataliaThe aim of the work is to study the process of establishing the equilibrium state in alcohol water systems at the main stages of creating vodka with electrochemical activation of drinking water. The formation of alcohol-water (drinking) system occurs during the weakening of hydrogen bonds in the presence of water associates and ethanol that have a chemical shift of hydroxyl protons of water δН2O 4,36 ppm and of ethanol – δEtОН 4,96 ppm and the difference in chemical shifts between EtOH and Н2О, which is Δδ 0,60 ppm. (Δƒ 240 Hz), that do not undergo significant changes after the treatment of alcohol water mixture with activated carbon. Conditions for the formation of stable complexes in the system of alcohol-water (drinking) have not been revealed, the absence of formation of ethanol hydrates characterizes a system with unstable equilibrium. Prepared with electrochemical activation drinking water leads to the immediate formation of hydrates of EtОН•5Н2О type in the alcohol-water system: in the anode cell – an anolyte with ethanol hydrates EtОН•4,81Н2О; in a cathode cell – a catholyte with ethanol hydrides EtОН•4,69Н2О. The strongest hydrogen bond of OH-groups in the alcohol-water system is observed in water prepared by electrochemical activation that is characterized by a constant equilibrium.Документ Analysis of business entities’ financial and operational performance under sustainable development(2018) Levytska, Svetlana; Krynychnay, Irina; Akimova, Alina; Kuzmin, OlegEvery year the number of users interested in non-financial reporting grows. Their aim is to assess company activity including not only their financial performance but also their contribution to social and economic development of society. However, non-financial reporting cannot provide full information to users in order to satisfy all their requirements. It is upon Integrated Reporting (IR), which refers to financial and non-financial indexes. In the article disclosure the analysis of financial and business performance technique for national entities (private as well as public sectors of economy) that would include using financial and non-financial indexes. To standardize financial and operating performance indexes, their possible comparison, macro and micro modeling, it is proposed to identify Index of performance, which is defined by the system of complex indexes: index (indicator) of reaching business entity economic indicators, index (indicator) for ecological efficiency, index (indicator) for social efficiency. It was grounded the necessity to calculate Quality coefficient assessment to avoid declarative achievement of ecological and social efficiency indexes, the quality of their performance.Документ Analysis of the competitive environment of the hotel economy Ivano-Frankivsk region(2021) Kyrpichenkova, Oksana; Bilan, Viktoriya; Matiushenko, Raisa; Kuzmin, Oleg; Sylka, Iryna; Polyovyk, VolodymyrУ статті аналізуються розвиток індустрії гостинності Івано-Франківської області, зокрема Яремчанщини, фактори, які необхідно враховувати при плануванні діяльності нового готелю. This article analyzes the development of the hospitality industry of Ivano-Frankivsk region, in particular the Yaremche region, the factors that need to be considered when planning the activities of a new hotel.Документ Antioxidant ability of alcoholic infusions from vegetable raw materials for the technology of alcoholic beverages(2020) Kuzmin, Oleg; Kucherenko, Volodymyr; Stukalska (Ivanova), Nataliia; Kuts, Anatoly; Oliynyk, Svitlana; Rakhmetov, DzhamalThe work is devoted to the development of scientific foundations of the antioxidant activity of aqueous-alcoholic infusions from plant raw materials and the identification of the most promising plants as sources of natural antioxidants. The creation of alcoholic tinctures with an antioxidant effect makes it possible to bring to the market new products that favorably distinguish the range of manufacturers from the range of competitors, creating a positive image of the company. Expansion of the range of alcoholic beverages with the use of alcoholic beverages from plant raw materials to enhance the antioxidant effect has been substantiated.Документ Antioxidant capacity of alcoholic beverages based on infusions from non-traditional spicy-aromatic vegetable raw materials(2020) Kuzmin, Oleg; Kucherenko, Volodymyr; Sylka, Iryna; Isaienko, Volodymyr; Furmanova, Yuliia; Pavliuchenko, Elena; Hubenia, VyacheslavAntioxidant ability of infusions of spicy-aromatic plants: Perilla frutescens; Elsholtzia stauntonii Benth; Artemisia abrotanum; Monarda didyma; Agastache foeniculum; Satureja hortensis; Ruta graveolens; Nepeta transcaucasica Grossch was determined by redoxmetry and pHmetry; sensory evaluation – by expert method; the results of mathematical and statistical processing – by the method of linear Pearson correlation. Results and discussion. The minimum theoretical value of redox potential (RP) for plant aqueous-alcoholic infusions was obtained, which has a value from 228.0 mV (Satureja hortensis) to 260.4 mV (Agastache foeniculum). The actual measured RP of infusions was established – from 117 mV (Elsholtzia stauntonii Benth) to 134 mV (Nepeta transcaucasica Grossch). The hydrogen index for aqueous-alcoholic infusions from spicy-aromatic raw materials has a value of 6.66 units pH (Agastache foeniculum) to 7.20 units pH (Satureja hortensis). Aqueous-alcoholic infusions from vegetable raw materials and a volume fraction of ethanol of 40% have the value of recovery energy (RE) in the range from 100.0 mV (Nepeta transcaucasica Grossch) to 138.2 mV (Ruta graveolens). Aqueous-alcoholic infusions from spicy-aromatic raw materials have values of sensory evaluation (S.e.) from 9.50 to 9.69 points. The highest value of S.e. 9.69 points is characteristic of Nepeta transcaucasica Grossch: color – light brown; taste – mint; aroma – soft, pleasant, sweet. Conclusion. It is proposed for the technology of alcoholic beverages the use of aqueous-alcoholic infusions from Ruta Gravelens and Nepeta transcaucasica Grossch, which received increased antioxidant characteristics RE 138.2 mV and RE 100.0 mV, respectively, and positive S.e. 9.57 and S.e. 9.69 points on a 10-point scale.Антиоксидантну здатність настоїв з пряно-ароматичних рослин: Perilla frutescens; Elsholtzia stauntonii Benth; Artemisia abrotanum; Monarda didyma; Agastache foeniculum; Satureja hortensis; Ruta graveolens; Nepeta transcaucasica Grossch визначали за методом редоксметрії та рН-метрії; сенсорні показники – за експертним методом; результати математико-статистичної обробки – за методом лінійної кореляції Пірсона. Результати. Отримано мінімальне теоретичне значення окисно-відновного потенціалу для рослинних водно-спиртових настоїв, яке змінюється від 228.0 мВ (Satureja hortensis) до 260.4 мВ (Agastache foeniculum). Встановлено фактичний виміряний окисно-відновний потенціал настоїв – від 117.0 мВ (Elsholtzia stauntonii Benth) до 134.0 мВ (Nepeta transcaucasica Grossch). Водневий показник для водно-спиртових настоїв з пряно-ароматичної сировини має значення від 6.66 од. рН (Agastache foeniculum) до 7.20 од. рН (Satureja hortensis). Водно-спиртові настої з рослинної сировини та об’ємною часткою етанолу 40% мають величину енергії відновлення (ЕВ) в межах від 100.0 мВ (Nepeta transcaucasica Grossch) до 138.2 мВ (Ruta graveolens). Водно-спиртові настої з пряно-ароматичної сировини мають значення сенсорних показників (S.e.) від 9.50 до 9.69 балів. Найбільше значення S.e. – 9,69 балів характерне для Nepeta transcaucasica Grossch: колір – світло-коричневий; смак – м'ятний; аромат – м'який, приємний, солодкуватий Висновки. Запропоновано для технології алкогольних напоїв застосування водноспиртових настоїв з Ruta graveolens та Nepeta transcaucasica Grossch, які отримали підвищені антиоксидантні характеристики ЕВ – 138.2 мВ та ЕВ – 100.0 мВ відповідно, та позитивні сенсорні показники S.e. – 9.57 та S.e. – 9.69 балів за 10-бальною шкалою.Документ Antioxidant characteristics of non-traditional spicy-aromatic vegetable raw materials for restaurant technology(2021) Khareba, Oleksandr; Kuzmin, Oleg; Khareba, Olena; Marynchenko, Viktor; Karputina, Margarita; Koretska, IrynaThe aim of the study is to determine the antioxidant capacity of spicy-aromatic plant raw materials, unconventional for the technology of the restaurant industry. The antioxidant capacity of spicy-aromatic plant raw materials was determined by the method of redoxmetry and pH-metry of aqueous-alcoholic infusions; sensory indicators - according to the expert method; the results of mathematical and statistical processing - according to the Pearson linear correlation method.Документ Antioxidant characteristics of tea-herbal compositions(2021) Kuzmin, Oleg; Stukalska (Ivanova), Nataliia; Mykhonik, Larysa; Koval, Olga; Polyovyk, Volodymyr; Berezova, GannaIntroduction. The aim of the study was to determine the antioxidant capacity of herbal infusions and evaluate the possibility of using them to create herbal tea compositions. Materials and methods.Antioxidant capacity of tea-herbal compositions was determined by redoxmetry and pH-metry; sensory indicators were evaluated by expert method; results of mathematical and statistical processing were assessed by the method of linear Pearson correlation. Results and discussion.The рН for water infusions from raw materials has a value of 2.35 for Hibiscus sabdariffa and 6.55 for Calamintha nepeta. The minimum theoretical value of RP (Ehmin) for plant water infusions was obtained, which has a value from 267.0 mV for Calamintha nepeta to 519.0 mV for Hibiscus sabdariffa. The actual measured RP of infusions (Ehact) was established as 37.0 mV for Daucus carota and 203.0 mV for Hibiscus sabdariffa. Water infusions from vegetable raw materials have the value of regenerative capacity (recovery energy, REinf) in the range from REinf 150.8 mV for Vitis vinifera) to REinf 316.0 mV for Hibiscus sabdariffa. For the restaurant business in the manufacture of beverages are promising water infusions of Hibiscus sabdariffa and Citrus limonum, which received increased antioxidant characteristics REinf 316.0 mV and 298.0 mV, respectively, and positive sensory evaluation. It is proved that the energy of reduction/oxidation of vegetable raw materials (REplant) relative to the solvent – prepared water is in the range of values from 45.8 mV for Vitis vinifera to 211.0 mV for Hibiscus sabdariffa. Based on mathematical and statistical analysis, it was found that physicochemical parameters in the range of values with very high correlation (r 0.9–1.0) includes the following indicators: pH, Ehmin, REinf, REplant. Rational composition of tea-herbal composition was found: Hibiscus sabdariffa, 30 %; Matricaria chamomilla, 20 %; Ilex paraguariensis, 10 %; Rosae fructus, 10 %; Mentha piperita, 10 %; Citrus sinensis, 8 %; Citrus limonum, 7 %; Calendulae flores, 5 %. Conclusions.For the technology of the restaurant industry, the use of tea-herbal compositions from plant materials Hibiscus sabdariffa, Matricaria chamomilla, Ilex paraguariensis, Rosae fructus, Mentha piperita, Citrus sinensis, Citrus limonum, Calendulae flores, which have increased antioxidant characteristics, is proposed.Документ Antioxidant characteristics of uncommon types of vegetable plants for restaurant technology(2023) Shevchenko, Oleksandr; Khareba, Volodymyr; Khareba, Olena; Kuzmin, Oleg; Pavliuchenko, OlenaУ дослідженні проаналізовано антиоксидантні властивості рідкісних та нетрадиційних видів рослинної сировини для використання у ресторанних технологіях. Отримані дані обґрунтовують використання цієї сировини у ресторанних технологіях для створення чайно-трав’яних композицій, соусів та компотів із підвищеною біологічною цінністю, покращеними органолептичними властивостями та зниженими витратами.Документ Antioxidant properties of water-alcohol infusions of teaherbal compositions based on yerba mate(2022) Shevchenko, Oleksandr; Kuzmin, Oleg; Melnyk, Oksana; Khareba, Volodymyr; Frolova, Natalia ; Polyovyk, VolodymyrДля технології виробництва лікеро-горілчаних напоїв ресторанного господарства запропоновано використання водно-спиртових настоїв чайно-трав'яних композицій на основі йерба мате (Ilex paraguariensis), що мають підвищені антиоксидантні властивості та сенсорні показники.Документ Application of the swift method for risk assessment in the production of cottage cheese(2023) Melnyk, Oksana; Kuzmin, Oleg; Niemirich, Oleksandra; Mamchenko, Liudmyla; Lytovchenko, OleksandrThe quality and safety of food products in the modern world is the main component of sustainable development of food industry enterprises. The enterprises have implemented a system of preventive measures that prevents the occurrence of risks, assesses them, controls hazards in raw materials, technological processes and finished products, which significantly reduces the risks of threats to human life and health. An overall risk assessment enables decision makers and relevant parties to better understand the risks that may affect the achievement of objectives and the adequacy and effectiveness of the controls in place. This provides a basis for making decisions about the most appropriate approach to handling the risks that may arise in the manufacture of food products. Risk analysis involves consideration of the cause and sources of risk, their consequences and the likelihood of these consequences. The paper considers the methodology of «what if?» risk assessment in the production of cottage cheese. The advantages and disadvantages of this method, the process of identifying, assessing and preventing risks are presented.Документ Aroma marketing in the restaurant business(2023) Bulakh, Olena; Yavorska, Oksana; Kuzmin, OlegУ дослідженні розглядається роль арома-маркетингу у ресторанному бізнесі, акцентуючи на його потенціалі впливати на поведінку споживачів та зміцнювати позиціонування бренду через сенсорні стратегії ароматизаціїДокумент Competitive advantages of the visual information system of transport centers(2019) Chemakina, Oktyabrina; Svirko, Vladimir; Kuzmin, Oleg; Kuzmin, AntonThe basic principles of modeling the system of visual information in transport centers are considered.Документ Comprehensive assessment of the quality of the «pancakes», considering on the norms of the physiological needs of the average person(2019) Kuzmin, Oleg; Krasnoshchokova, Kateryna; Sobutska, Oleksandra; Kuzmenko, Oleksandr; Bezsmertna, VictoriiaThe method of estimation of the quality of the «pancakes» is considered. The structure of quality indicators and the results of experimental studies of complex quantitative quality assessment are presented. Представлено структуру показників якості та результати експериментальних досліджень комплексної кількісної оцінки якості.Документ Comprehensive evaluation of the hot sweet soufflé dessert quality(2017) Ditrikh, Iryna; Kuzmin, Oleg; Mikhailenko, VladlenaThe benefits of innovative hot sweet soufflé dessert in comparison with the prototype were established by methods of qualimetric and mathematical quality analysis. These methods have proved the expediency of using β-glucan in the recipe of dish to enhance nutrition value and to reduce the food energy value. Indicators of safety and microbiological indicators that are defined with the help of the Harrington’s scale of desirability have confirmed the safety of a new type of soufflé.Документ Concerning the prospect of using electrochemical activation in the production of alcoholic products(2018) Kuzmin, Oleg; Marynin, AndriyTo the article the newest data are driven in relation to perspective of the use of the electrochemical activating in the process of receipt of technological water at the production of alcoholic goods.Документ Conditions of obtaining porous carbon materials from pyrolyzed wood wastes by chemical activation of H3PO4(2017) Zubkova, Valentyna; Shendrik, Tatiana; Kuzmin, OlegThe purpose of this publication is to search for alternative materials – food industry wastes; valuation of it’s use in the production of porous carbon materials for use in water treatment systems.Документ Control measures for pests, species identification, prevention of infestation, preventive measures, and pest management strategies in restaurants(2023) Kuzmenko, Rostislav; Kravchenko, Anatoliy; Vozniuk, Svitlana; Kuzmin, OlegУ статті розглядаються методи, які можна використовувати для попередження, виявлення та знищення шкідників у закладах ресторанного господарства. Особливу увагу приділено шкідникам-комахам. Це є важливим питанням для забезпечення безпеки харчових продуктів і захисту здоров’я споживачів