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  • Ескіз
    The investigation of lactose fermenting yeasts activity in the whey obtained by coagulation of milk proteins by berry coagulan
    (2017) Grek, Olena; Krasulya, Olena; Petrina, Alla
    The results of biochemical activity of lactose fermenting yeasts in the wort based on whey, obtained by thermo acid coagulation of milk by berry raw material (sterilized black currant paste) are shown. The extraction of black currant’ valuable components occur in the protein foundation and colored whey, which can be used in the production of fermented beverages with high biological and nutrition value. It was found from the analysis of lactose fermenting yeasts’ biomass accommodation that the biggest growth of yeasts in the wort based on colored whey was in the samples which are fermented by Zygosaccharomyces lactis 868-K – the general amount of cells was (78.1...79.9)∙106 CFU/ml for 48 hours. The optimal fermentation temperature (30…32 °C) was established by the parameters of fermentation activity: accumulation of ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide in the wort, the total amount of yeasts cells.The obtained results were used in the technology development of non alcocholic beverages based on colored whey. Наведено результати біохімічної активності лактозозброджувальних дріжджів у суслі на основі молочної сироватки, отриманому шляхом термокислотної коагуляції молока ягідною сировиною (стерилізована паста з чорної смородини). Екстракція цінних компонентів чорної смородини відбувається в білкову основу і забарвлену сироватку, які можуть бути використані у виробництві ферментованих напоїв з високою біологічною і харчовою цінністю. За результатами аналізу розміщення біомаси дріжджів зброджування лактози встановлено, що найбільший приріст дріжджів у суслі на основі забарвленої сироватки спостерігався у зразках, зброджених Zygosaccharomyces lactis 868-K – загальна кількість клітин становила (78,1.. .79,9)∙106 КУО/мл протягом 48 годин. Оптимальну температуру бродіння (30…32 °С) встановлювали за показниками активності бродіння: накопиченням етилового спирту та вуглекислого газу в суслі, загальною кількістю дріжджових клітин. алкогольні напої на основі підфарбованої сироватки.
  • Ескіз
    Quality investigation of frozen garden strawberries at partial dehydration before freezing
    (Zamorska I. Quality investigation of frozen garden strawberries at partial dehydration before freezing / I. Zamorska, V. Zamorskyi, Y. Halahur, V. Osyka, S. Belinska, I. Motuzka, T. Bozhko, O. Krasulya, M. Fil //EUREKA: Life Sciences. – 2020. – № 1. – P. 11-17, 2020) Zamorska, Iryna; Zamorskyi, Volodymyr; Halahur, Yuliya; Osyka, Viktor; Belinska, Svitlana; Motuzka, Iuliia; Bozhko, Tetiiana; Krasulya, Olena; Fil, Mariia
    Garden strawberry is an important berry culture, consumed fresh and frozen. But a quality of frozen berries is not always at the high level because of changing organoleptic properties, tissues structure and biological active substances losses. It motivates searches for different methods of previous processing of berries before freezing. There was used a production technology of frozen strawberry with partial dehydration before freezing for solving the problem. It has been established, that frozen strawberries, partially dehydrated before freezing, saved by 0.2–0.3 % more dry soluble substances, by 0.2 % – sugars, by 7.0–7.9 % – ascorbic acid at a practically equal level of organic acids. The organoleptic mark of frozen partially dehydrated strawberries was by 0.2–0.3 points higher against the control. Among the studied varieties of strawberry, Polka berries got a mark higher by 0.2–0.9 points. Садова полуниця - важлива ягодна культура, вживається в свіжому і замороженому вигляді. Але якість заморожених ягід не завжди на високому рівні через зміну органолептичних властивостей, структури тканин та втрати біологічних активних речовин. Це мотивує пошук різних методів попередньої обробки ягід перед заморожуванням. Для вирішення проблеми була використана технологія виробництва замороженої полуниці з частковою дегідратацією перед заморожуванням. Встановлено, що заморожена полуниця, частково зневоднена перед заморожуванням, зберігає на 0,2–0,3% більше сухих розчинних речовин, на 0,2% - цукрів, на 7,0–7,9% - аскорбінову кислоту практично на рівні рівня органічних кислот. Органолептична марка замороженої частково зневодненої полуниці була порівняно з контрольною на 0,2–0,3 бала. Серед досліджених сортів полуниці ягоди польки отримали відмітку на 0,2–0,9 бала.
  • Ескіз
    Methods of determination of parameters of Whey with food fibers
    (2018) Tsygankov, Sergii; Grek, Olena; Krasulya, Olena; Onopriichuk, Olena; Chubenko, Larysa; Savchenko, Alexander; Snizhko, Olha; Ochkolyas, Olena
    The article presents fixation methods of parameters of whey with food fibers for fermentation with lacto-fermentative Zygosaccharomyces lactis 868-K yeast for getting a non-alcoholic fermented beverage.
  • Ескіз
    Methods of determination of parameters of fermented whey-malty mixtures
    (2018) Tsygankov, Sergii; Ushkarenko, Viktor; Grek, Olena; Krasulya, Olena; Ushkarenko, Iuliia; Tymchuk, Alla; Onopriichuk, Olena; Savchenko, Alexander
    The methods of accumulation of yeast cells Kluyveromyces lactis 469 and their percent with glycogen from the general concentration at fermentation of wort of the restored mixture at different ratios of dry malt and whey are offered and results are obtained. According to the obtained data, it was established, that yeast cells actively developed in the period from 4 to 16 fermentation hour at the ratio of malt and whey in the restored mixture as 1:1,5 and 1:2. The increment of cells with glycogen in mixtures with the ratio – malt:whey as 1,5:1 and 2:1 was intensive. Thus, at 36 hour of fermentation the amount of yeast was 67,2 and 68,9 % respectively from the total number of cells.
  • Ескіз
    The investigation of the potentional comlex from Plantago major to coagulate milk proteins
    (2018) Grek, Olena; Krasulya, Olena; Chubenko, Larysa; Tymchuk, Alla
    The ability of proteases and organic acids, that are components of wild plants, to coagulate milk proteins was confirmed. The prospects of this direction in the technology of milk – protein concentrates obtaining was provided. The potential ability of Plantago major leaves to coagulate milk proteins is considered in the article. The mass fraction of dry matters in the juice was within (4.5±0.23). It was found, that the adding of plant coagulant in the amount of 7...9 % from the general amount of milk allows to obtain a clot with such indicators: active acidity – 6.3…6.4 units, moisture mass fraction – 66.00…69.00 %, water – retaining capacity – 60.61...64.26 %. Organoleptic indicators of samples are suitable for consumption. The yield of the protein clot was 184.0...232.7 g from 1000 ml of normalized milk mixture. The state of moisture in herbal – protein clots was established by the method of infrared spectroscopy. The intensive zone of С=О – groups valence oscillations in the area of 1638 cm-1 was observed. This fact indicates about the presence of tightly applied moisture. Microstructural study of clot samples, which where obtained by the use of Plantago major juice showed more developed spatial configuration of gel frame compared with the control sample. It has showed the high structural and mechanical characteristics and therefore water-retaining capacity of the clot. The obtained results are the base for snack cheese products, semi-finished and processed cheeses technology decisions.
  • Ескіз
    The influence of berry puree on microbiological indicators of cheese product during the storage
    (2016) Grek, Olena; Pshenychna, Tetyana O.; Krasulya, Olena; Pakhomova, Yuliia; Ivashchenko, Catherine
    The effect of frozen milled currant and homogenized and sterilized puree on cheese product bacterial flora was examined. The safety and compliance to the regulatory requirements of received samples are proven. Досліджено вплив замороженої смородини смородини та гомогенізованого та стерилізованого пюре на бактеріальну флору виробу сиру. Доведено безпеку та відповідність нормативним вимогам отриманих зразків.
  • Ескіз
    Study of lactose–fermenting yeasts kluyveromyces lactis for whey and apple pectin mixture fermentation
    (2016) Grek, Olena; Chepel, Natalia; Krasulya, Olena
    This study was carried out by using whey and apple pectin in the fiber mixture as fermentative medium in order to evaluate the biochemical activity of lactose–fermenting of some Kluyveromyces lactis strains during fermentation. The fermentation medium contained whey and apple pectin in the fiber in the ratio 9:1. It was investigated ten lactose–fermenting Kluyveromyces lactis strains coded 42 K, 95, 300, 304,317, 318, 325, 469, 868–K and 2452. During cultivation in aerobe conditions the biomass yield was the highest by yeasts cultivation in whey and apple pectin in the fiber mixture with Kluyveromyces lactis 868–K strain (71.3˟106 CFU/ml). Maximal biomass accumulation of Kluyveromyces lactis 868–K strain was achieved on the 30 h of cultivation at a temperature of 30±2 С. But addition of apple pectin in the fiber into whey caused lactose–fermenting yeasts growth inhibition (in exponential multiplication phase 1.59 % less biomass accumulation comparing with sample without apple pectin in the fiber).During the alcoholic fermentation the dynamic of CO2 accumulation positively is correlated with dynamic of biomass accumulation. Maximal CO2 content and ethanol content were observed after 30 h of fermentation at optimal temperature of 32 С. The best contents of higher alcohols, aldehydes and esters were obtained in whey and APF fermented beverage by using Kluyveromyces lactis 868–K strain which consist of low contents of n–propane (1.84 mg/l), isobutane (29.30 mg/l), acetaldehyde (27 mg/l), and high contents of 2–methyl–1–butanol (73.52 mg/l), 3–methyl–1–butanol (211.11 mg/l), methylacetate (10.61 mg/l) and ethylacetate (85.11 mg/l).
  • Ескіз
    Forecasting of qualitative indicators of albumin-vegetable mixtures during storage
    (2014) Ivanov, Sergey; Grek, Olena; Onopriichuk, Olena; Krasulya, Olena
    Mathematical models were received using the Rosenbrock’s function to forecast the qualitative indices ofalbumin-vegetable mixtures with apple pectin fiber (APF). The APF consists of extruded wheat mill run (60 %) and apple powder (40 %). Dietary fiber concentrates with polyfunctional properties were used to createalbumin-vegetable mixtures (AVM). The efficient use of resources and combined nutritive elements was takeninto consideration. The optimal quantity of apple pectin fiber in albumin mass constitutes 4 to 6 %. This quantity was determined organoleptically. The received samples had a homogenous, plastic consistency withAPF fractions. The taste and smell were characteristic of albumin mass with a slight flavor of apple pectinfiber. Practical application of the obtained mathematical models is forecasting changes of the indices ofalbumin-vegetable mixtures with time. The study findings can be used for the manufacture of combined foodsfrom vegetable components and by-products obtained during milk processing. It is a current trend in the dairyprocessing industry.
  • Ескіз
    Fatty acid composition of dairy fat products of vegetable origin
    (2014) Grek, Olena; Krasulya, Olena; Savchenko, Alexander; Petrina, Alla
    For enrichment of polyunsaturated fatty acids and increasing biological and nutritional value of dietary fiber of spreads it is offered to add sweet brier processing products (SPP) - oil and meal. The expediency and the use of these products is proved for producing of emulsive type dairy fat products of vegetable origin with dietary fiber as “Citri-Fi”.Materials and Methods. With the method of gas-liquid chromotography peak samples products of sweetbrier processing are identified. Found that received dairy fat products of vegetable origin of emulsive type contain more unsatured fatty acids than butter, which is included to the recipe of spreads. Results. Found that in the investigated spread the amount of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids are reduced (capric (by 1,136 %), lauric (at 1.958 %), myristic (by 3.03 %), palmitic (at 6.454 %), stearic (at 1,016 %), arachidonic (by 0,229 %) also the amount of trans-isomers that during the consuming of the product can cause cardiovascular disease (by 1,305 % compared with butter). The main ω-3 fatty acid in dairy fat products of vegetable origin with dietary fiber is linolenic, compared with butter its content increases by 0,038 %. Among the ω- 6 acids in samples linoleic dominates which increases by 0,458 %, linoleic cis-9, cis-12 C18: 2 – 15,282 %. From monounsaturated fatty acids in the spread of PSP the lower amount of such fatty acids as: mirystooleinic, palmooleinic, heptadecenoic, elaidonic but more oleic (by 1,831 %). The results can be used in determining the biological value of the PCA spreads due to current principles of nutrition science.
  • Ескіз
    Identification of by-products of fermentation of whey and malt worts
    (2013) Chepel, Natalia; Grek, Olena; Krasulya, Olena
    Results of gas chromatographic studies for definition of by-products of fermentation of whey and malt worts enabled evaluate advantages Zygosaccharomyces lactis 868-K yeast race objectively. Presence of the given yeast race in nutritional medium has a positive effect on producer’s metabolism, thus stimulating biosynthesis or transformation of nutritional medium aromatic substances.