Перегляд за Автор "Havrysh, Andrey"
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Документ Alternative Methods of Cooking Fondant(2015) Havrysh, Andrey; Smirnova, Elizabeth; Bloshchinska (Dudkina), OlenaДокумент Bakery technology for children with vitamin D deficient states(2013) Bortnichuk, Oleg; Havrysh, Andrey; Dotsenko, Viktor; Kokhan, Olena M.The abstract states the necessity of the bakery products development for children with vitamin D deficient states.Документ Characterization of recipe composition of fondants(2015) Havrysh, Andrey; Smirnova, Elizabeth; Bloshchinska (Dudkina), OlenaДокумент Current approaches to the technology of bakery products made from frozen prepared food(2013) Rohliev, Iosif; Havrysh, Andrey; Dotsenko, Viktor; Lukianets, HalynaIn recent years the technology of bakery products that uses freezing is developing rapidly in most developed countries, including Western European and Northern American ones. New technology of using frozen bakery production allows responding to market needs in supplying fresh products in a wide range to the population, and managing the quality and safety of frozen dough products on the stage of their preparation.Документ Differences in the composition of vocable compounds in fresh and dried mixed heat supply of white rolled cabbage(2020) Niemirich, Oleksandra; Frolova, Natalia; Ustymenko, Ihor; Havrysh, AndreyComparison of volatile substances between fresh and dried samples of cabbage allows us to claim the preservation of valuable biological substances of fresh cabbage after drying with mixed heat and to spread this method of processing cabbage with maximum use of its useful properties.Порівняння летких речовин у свіжих і висушених зразках капусти підтверджує збереження цінних біологічних речовин свіжої капусти після сушіння зі змішаним теплопідведенням. Цей спосіб оброблення капусти максимально зберігає її корисні властивості.Документ Finely dispersed spicy-aromatic and carotene containing raw materials as surfactants for oil in water emulsion(2015) Liavynets, Heorhii; Ishchenko, Tatiana; Havrysh, Andrey; Niemirich, Oleksandra; Arsenieva, Larisa; Dovgun, IrinaStabilizing properties of the finely dispersed powders of spicy-aromatic and carotene containing raw materials in the oil in water emulsion are studied. The dependence of the rheological properties of sauces on the concentration of phyto- and oil carotene containing semi-finished product (PhOCSP) is investigated. The forms of moisture linking in sauces of the emulsion type with optimal dosage of PhOCSP are determined by the thermogravimetric method.Документ Flour confectionary products for people suffering from coeliac disease and diabetes(2013) Zuiko (Kulinich), Vira; Havrysh, Andrey; Dotsenko, Viktor; Smirnova, ElizabethДокумент Formation of emulsion properties with celery root powder(2023) Niemirich, Oleksandra; Ustymenko, Ihor; Havrysh, Andrey; Mamchenko, Liudmyla; Skyrda, Olena; Zhytnetskyi, Ihor; Podobiy, Olena; Hubenia, Vyacheslav; Lulka, Alexander; Tkachuk, Yuriy; Pushka, Olga; Doroshkevych, RuslanCelery root powder obtained by drying with mixed heat supply, which is a promising raw material of plant origin as a source of biologically active substances for use in the composition of culinary products of polyphasic type due to functional and technological properties contributes to the formation of appropriate emulsion properties, prescription ingredients of this plant material. The work aims to study the effect of celery root powder obtained by drying with mixed heat supply on sedimentation resistance, structure and rheological properties of emulsions for a wide range of culinary products.Документ Influence of dietary supplement based on heme iron on dough properties and quality of antianemic cupcakes(2021) Niemirich, Oleksandra; Frolova, Natalia; Ustymenko, Ihor; Havrysh, Andrey; Furmanova, Yuliia; Pavliuchenko, Elena; Skyrda, Olena; Hubenia, Vyacheslav; Lulka, Alexander; Matiushenko, RaisaProviding the diet of all segments of the population with sufficient organic iron is an urgent problem today. The work aims to study the effect of a dietary supplement based on heme iron on the properties of gluten, dough, and the quality of antianemic cupcakes. Test samples of prescription compositions of cupcakes were obtained by coadministration of a dietary supplement with ferrous iron (“Redham” from the blood of slaughter animals) and esters of citric acid, mono-, and di-glycerides of fatty acids. The content of gluten in the test samples, its elasticity, elongation, hydration ability was determined by the mechanical method. The microstructure of the study objects was determined by microscopy. The viscosity of the dough was measured on a rotary viscometer with a controlled shear rate, the value of which depends on the speed and the size of the gap between the cylinders, in one of which was placed the test samples. The strength of adhesion of model samples of the test was investigated on the device of Boris Nikolaev, where the force of separation, attributed to the contact area, is realized. The alkalinity of the cupcakes was determined by acid titration, the specific volume of the cupcakes - by measuring the volume of bulk filler extruded by the product, and then dividing the volume of the product by its weight. The process of hardening of cupcakes was controlled by changing the structural and mechanical properties of the crumb, determined using a penetrometer AP-4/1, and its brittleness. Given the daily requirement of an adult in iron, we created prototypes of cupcakes with the introduction of dietary supplement “Redham” in the amount of 4, and 6% of the total mass. The addition of “Redham” to cupcakes deteriorate the rheological properties of gluten, dough and contributes to the production of finished products in a reduced volume, with a too dense crumb, less resistant to hardening. To improve the quality of cupcakes with a mass fraction of “Redham” with 4 and 6%, we used citric acid esters, and mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids, which were pre-mixed with a dietary powder additive. As a result, the value of the brittleness index in the samples increased by 1.48 and 1.44 times, respectively, the total deformation of the crumb after 7 days of storage - by 1.1 and 1.2 times, respectively, and the specific volume of products increases by 1.1 times. Obtained flour confectionery products characterized by the content of ferrous iron can be recommended for mass (4% “Redham” content), and therapeutic and prophylactic (6% “Redham” content) consumption, which should be confirmed with a further clinical studies.Документ Innovative activity of enterprises of food industry in Ukraine: state and trends of development(2020) Kruhlova, Olena; Pohozhykh, Mykola; Niemirich, Oleksandra; Ustymenko, Ihor; Havrysh, Andrey; Hubenia, Vyacheslav; Matiushenko, RaisaThe studies confirmed the hypothesis of the relationship between the innovative activity of food industry enterprises and the level of the knowledge intensity of GDP. There is a high direct relationship between the level of the knowledge intensity of GDP and the number of innovatively active enterprises of the food industry (0.893); high feedback, however, between knowledge intensity and the cost of innovation per one innovation-active enterprise (–0.836); noticeable feedback – between knowledge intensity and the cost of innovation of the food industry (–0.414). The results of the calculations indicate the relevance of further research in this area, namely the study of the impact of knowledge and innovation on the sustainable development of the food industry. Проведені дослідження підтвердили гіпотезу про залежність між інноваційною активність підприємств харчової промисловості та рівнем наукоємності ВВП. Високий прямий зв’язок відзначено між рівнем наукоємності ВВП і кількістю інноваційно активних підприємств харчової промисловості (0,893).; високий проте зворотний зв’язок – між наукоємністю та витрати на інновації на одне інноваційно активне підприємство (-0,836); помітний зворотний зв’язок – між наукоємністю та витратами на інновації підприємств харчової промисловості (-0,414). Результати розрахунків свідчать про актуальність подальших досліджень у цьому напряму, а саме дослідження впливу наукоємності та інновацій на сталий розвиток підприємств харчової промисловості.Документ Innovative technology of semi-finished products for soups-puree(2016) Pushka, Olga; Patychuk, Vadim; Havrysh, Andrey; Niemirich, Oleksandra; Tkachuk, YuriyУ статті обгрунтовано інноваційний спосіб приготування кулінарних напівфабрикатів для пюреподібних перших страв. Вказано необхідні компоненти виробу. The article substantiates an innovative way of preparing culinary semi-finished products for puree-shaped first courses. The necessary components of the product are indicated.Документ Investigation of structural-mechanical properties of the recipe composition for special purpose fondants(2015) Bloshchinska (Dudkina), Olena; Niemirich, Oleksandra; Havrysh, Andrey; Ishchenko, Tatiana; Tkachuk, YuriyУ статті представлені результати експериментальних досліджень за такими параметрами, як пористість, адгезія, загальна деформація щільною частини фонданів. The article presents the results of experimental studies on parameters such as porosity, adhesion, general deformation of dense part of the fondants.Документ Investigation of technological properties of celera root powder obtained by drying with mixed heat supply method(2022) Niemirich, Oleksandra; Ustymenko, Ihor; Mykhailenko, Vladlena; Zuiko (Kulinich), Vira; Sylka, Iryna; Havrysh, Andrey; Skyrda, Olena; Furmanova, Yuliia; Pavliuchenko, Elena; Mamchenko, Liudmyla; Doroshkevych, RuslanTo enrich polyphase-type culinary products, dried food products are used - vegetable and fruit powders. These powders are usually obtained by freeze-drying, convective methods, the method of cold spray drying. To perspective methods of drying include drying with mixed heat supply. At the same time, it is promising to use celery root powder in culinary products. The aim of the work is to study the technological properties of celery root powder obtained by the method of drying with mixed heat supply, to predict its behavior in polyphase food systems. Для збагачення поліфазних кулінарних виробів використовують сушені харчові продукти - овочеві та фруктові порошки. Ці порошки зазвичай отримують сублімаційним, конвективним методами, методом холодної розпилювальної сушки. До перспективних способів сушіння відноситься сушіння зі змішаним теплопостачанням. Водночас перспективним є використання порошку кореня селери в кулінарних виробах. Мета роботи – вивчити технологічні властивості порошку кореня селери, отриманого методом сушіння зі змішаним теплопостачанням, спрогнозувати його поведінку в поліфазних системах харчування.Документ Investigation of the effect dried food products on the properties of the butter mixture during storage(2021) Vasheka, Oksana; Niemirich, Oleksandra; Frolova, Natalia; Ustymenko, Ihor; Havrysh, Andrey; Skyrda, Olena; Matyiashchuk, Olena; Fedak, Natalia; Hubenia, Vyacheslav; Lulka, AlexanderTo meet the needs of consumers, the technology of oil mixture was developed using dried food products - tomato and carrot powders and pre-dispersed sesame seeds. The optimized combination of ingredients allows to ensure the quality of the oil mixture for 8 days of storage under the following conditions: t = 0 - 8 0 C and relative humidity of 75%. The nutritional value is increased by 3.5 times, organic acids - 4.5 times, beta-carotene 2.6 times, daily human needs for sodium, potassium and iron by 40%, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus is provided by 15 to 30%. Microbiological studies have shown that the oil mixture enriched with dried foods and sesame seeds is characterized by purity during the specified shelf life. The intensity of accumulation of free acids and peroxides proved the resistance to oxidation of the oil mixture during storage. Inhibition of oxidative transformation of lipids of butter and sesame seeds due to antioxidants of plant supplements is shown. Для задоволення потреб споживачів була розроблена технологія масляної суміші з використанням сушеної харчової продукції – томатного та морквяного порошків та попередньо диспергованого насіння кунжуту. Оптимізоване поєднання інгредієнтів дозволяє забезпечити якість масляної суміші протягом 8 днів зберігання за таких умов: t = 0 - 8 0 C та відносної вологості 75%. За харчовою цінністю спостерігається збільшення білка в 3,5 рази, органічних кислот - в 4,5 рази, бета-каротину в 2,6 рази, щоденна потреба людини в натрію, калію та заліза на 40 %, магнію, кальцію і фосфору забезпечується від 15 до 30%. Мікробіологічні дослідження довели, що масляна суміш, збагачена сушеними харчовими продуктами та насінням кунжуту характеризується чистотою протягом зазначеного терміну зберігання. За інтенсивністю накопичення вільних кислот та пероксидів доведено стійкість до окиснення масляної суміші впродовж зберігання. Показано інгубування окиснювальної трансформації ліпідів вершкового масла і насіння кунжуту завдяки антиоксидантам рослинних добавок.Документ Prospects of using freezing dough semi-finished products technology in restaurant business(2013) Rohliev, Iosif; Havrysh, Andrey; Dotsenko, Viktor; Dovgun, IrinaThe article studies the application of the quick freezing dough semi-finished products technology in restaurant business. The advantages of using frozen dough pieces in the production of the bakery products in comparison with traditional technologies are analyzed. The advantage of the freezing method over other ways of preservation is proved. Technological modifications of such method are presented. The analysis of the existing freezing methods has shown a topicality of using aerial method of low-temperature processing of the dough semi-finished products. Робота присвячена розгляду застосування технології швидкого заморожування тістових напівфабрикатів в закладах ресторанного господарства. Проаналізовано переваги застосування заморожених тістових заготовок при виробництві булочних виробів в порівнянні з традиційними технологіями. Охарактеризовано та доведено перевагу методу заморожування перед іншими способами консервування. Представлені технологічні модифікації даного методу. Аналіз існуючих методів заморожування показав актуальність застосування повітряного методу низькотемпературного обробляння тістових напівфабрикатів. Работа посвящена рассмотрению применения технологии быстрого замораживания тестовых полуфабрикатов в заведениях ресторанного хозяйства.Документ Pyramids and plates of nutrition(2019) Ditrikh, Iryna; Niemirich, Oleksandra; Havrysh, Andrey; Ustymenko, Ihor; Gumeniuk, AndriyThe article analyzes the role of nutrition in human life, the relationship of nutrition with the consequences for health, since healthy nutrition to date human development is in the form of a shadow. According to the analysis, the basis of traditional diet should be a diet that includes natural and unrefined foods. As Ukrainians nutrition culture and Ayurvedic nutrition knowledge are low and in shade, Ayurvedic plates are offered for three doshas.Документ Relevance of using low temperature technologies in the creation of products for special purpose(2013) Havrysh, Andrey; Ishchenko, Tatiana; Medvid, Irina; Dotsenko, Viktor; Kokhan, Olena M.The article argued relevance of gluten-free flour food products extended shelf life. У статті аргументовано актуальність створення безглютенових борошняних кулінарних виробів пролонгованого терміну зберігання.Документ Research the technological properties of powder of cabbage by mixed method of heat supply(2016) Niemirich, Oleksandra; Petrusha, Oksana; Vasheka, Oksana; Havrysh, AndreyThe processes of structure formation in emulsion-type sauces using phyto- and oil carotene containing semi-finished product - a mixture fine powders of spicy-aromatic and carotene containing raw materials and oil in the environment. The prospect of using the technology developed semi low-calorie sauces emulsion type is the manifestation of surface-active properties of said plant material. Structural and mechanical properties of the finished sauce was studied using a rheometer AR 2000ex. Forms of communication research in water samples sauces determined on derivatograph Q -1500D. Emulsifying properties of powders spicy-aromatic and carotene containing materials described by phase inversion points. Drawing graphs and statistical data processing was performed using the software package OriginLab Corporation and spreadsheet Microsoft Office Excel. Due to the content of polysaccharides and essential oils, crushed and dried raw of spicy-aromatic and carotene containing able to create stable colloidal systems - emulsion type oil in water. Research emulsifying ability and fine powders of spicy-aromatic and carotene containing raw materials in emulsion oil in water showed that the emulsifying ability parsley powder is 16% and 36%, which is higher than the powder with dill and carotene containing raw materials respectively. A determination of rheological properties depending on the concentration sauces phyto- and oil carotene containing semi-finished product. Ready sauce with a mass fraction phyto- and oil carotene containing semi-finished product 30% shear rate of 200 s-1 has an effective viscosity in the range of 22-50 Pa • s, which is optimal for the type of emulsion sauces. Value Relations moisture in the form of emulsion-type sauces approaching the optimal concentration phyto- and oil carotene containing semi-finished product 30% by weight of the sauce. Thus there is a stronger binding moisture promotes aggregative stability system prevents their separation.Sauces emulsion type, made on the basis of the developed intermediate product, have optimal rheological parameters. Thus, we can recommend phyto- and oil carotene containing semi-finished product for sauces emulsion type of high nutritional value without the use of additional emulsifiers, structure-synthetic nature.Документ Restoring and emulsifying properties of the dried meat semi-finished product(2017) Niemirich, Oleksandra; Pohozhykh, Mykola; Petrusha, Oksana; Havrysh, Andrey; Vasheka, OksanaВивчено технологічні властивості висушеного м'ясного напівфабрикату, виготовленого методом змішаного теплопідведення. На основі проведених досліджень розроблено математичну залежність комплексної характеристики сушеного м’яса від температури сушіння та ступеня дисперсності продукту. The technological properties of the dried meat semi-finished product made by the DMSF-drying (mixed heat supply) method are studied, on the basis of which the mathematical dependence of the complex characteristic of the SMC on the drying temperature and the degree of product dispersion is difficult.Документ Role of replacement of wheat flour with rice flour in special purpose fondant(2015) Bloshchinska (Dudkina), Olena; Havrysh, Andrey; Smirnova, Elizabeth