Перегляд за Автор "Rashevska, Tamara"
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Документ Application of optical and positron spectroscopy to structure transformation study in milk fat and its simple purified fractions(2000) Lihtorovich, S.; Nishchenko, M.; Rashevska, Tamara; Gulyy, IvanStructure transformations from amorphous to crystalline state in milk fat as well as its simple purified fractions have been studied using optical and positron spectroscopy. The crystallization of amorphous fat results in appearance of a high-intensity peak in its luminescence spectrum. Transmission and luminescence excitation spectra have been also studied at different temperatures.Документ Application of the optical and positron spectroscopy to the study of the structural transformations in milk fat and its simple purified fractions(2000) Kudryavtsev, V.; Yablochkov, S.; Lihtorovich, S.; Nishchenko, M.; Rashevska, Tamara; Gulyy, IvanThe structural transformations in milk fat from amorphous to crystalline state as well as in simple purified fractions were investigated by using optical and positron spectroscopy.Документ Butter paste development with bioactive nutrients(2013) Ivanov, Sergey; Rashevska, TamaraFor providing butter paste basis use butter, dry buttermilk and plant raw materials (inulin, flaxseeds). Для разработки масляной пасты использовали сливочное масло, сухую пахту и растительное сырье (инулин, семена льна).Для створення масляної пасти використали масло, сухе молоко та рослинну сировину (інулін, насіння льна).Документ Butter paste development witn red beet powder(2013) Ivanov, Sergey; Rashevska, Tamara; Podkovko, OksanaWe have developed a butter paste with red beet powder. Ми розробили масляну пасту з порошком червоного столового буряка.Документ Classification nanostructure multicomponent organic fat(2005) Rashevska, TamaraWe studied nanostructure of complex organic systems fat/water/natural organic material.Документ Electro-microscopic investigations of the structure of butter with inulin(1997) Rashevska, TamaraElectro-microscopic investigations exposed the inulin's influence on the microstructure, its role in the formation of butter's plastically consistency.Документ Flaxseed additive application in dairy products production(2011) Ivanov, Sergey; Rashevska, Tamara; Makhonina, MarinaNew butter with flaxseed additive and flaxseed additive technology were developed by us. The suspension microstructure of flaxseed additive was studied.Документ Formation conformities of crystalline formations of milk fat fractions as a regulator of butter textures(1998) Rashevska, TamaraFormation conformities of crystalline formations of milk fat fractions have beeninvestigated in our University.Документ Formation of a cellular crystal submicrostructure in butter witn admixtures(2000) Rashevska, TamaraA cellular crystal structure was found to be formed in the butter on the fat globules surface as well as in the interglobulesphere.Документ Formation of a nanostructure of butter: polysaccharide of inuline composite(2002) Rashevska, Tamara; Gulyy, Ivan; Lysko, O. I.; Vysokolyan, O. P.; Veblaya, T. S.; Buzaneva, E. V.Technology of formation molecular composite with the butter and polysaccharide of inuline was developed. Розроблено технологію формування молекулярних композитів у вершковому маслі з полісахаридом інулін. Разработано технологию формирования молекулярных композитов у сливочном масле с полисахаридом инулин.Документ Heat resistance determination of butter paste with red beet powder(2014) Podkovko, Oksana; Smirnova, Elizabeth; Rashevska, TamaraДокумент Identification of moisture nanoparticles in the butter sub-microstructure(2002) Rashevska, Tamara; Gulyy, Ivan; Ukrainets, Anatoliy; Nischenko, Michael; Lihtorovich, S.; Buzaneva, E.Formation of sub-microstructure, including the nucleatiion and growth of ultradisperse water particles in the butter, is studied by means of electron microscopy.Документ Indentification of moisture: nanoparticles in the butter submicrostructure(2001) Rashevska, Tamara; Gulyy, Ivan; Pryadko, Nikolai; Nishchenko, M.; Lihtorovich, S.By means of the elcectron microscopy study of the butter samples obtained by freezing-and-cleavage teehnique we have shown that their submicrostructure contains spherical particles, 2 to 100 nm in diameter, which can also aquire anisotropic shapes.Документ Influence of biopolymer inulin on nanostructure of fatcotain system(2003) Rashevska, Tamara; Gulyy, Ivan; Ukrainets, Anatoliy; Korenev, I. O.We fixed, that inulin essentially influence on forming of nanostructure of fatcontain systems.Документ Influence of water phase condition on microorganisms growth in butter with pectin additive(1998) Rashevska, TamaraAs a result of scientific work, there was studied the influence of pectine additive on water phase condition and on microorganisms growth in butter. There was fixes high moisture adsorption of pectine in butter plasma, thus increasing the dispersion of moisture in butter.Документ Micro- and nanostructure a butter witn inulin(2004) Rashevska, TamaraElectronic-microscopic researches of inulin butter have shown, that entering inulin essentially influences formation micro-and nanostmcture of butters.Электронно-микроскопические исследования показали, что добавление инулина в сливочное масло существенно влияет на его наноструктуру. Електронно-мікроскопічні дослідження показали, що внесення інуліну до вершкового масла суттєво впливають на його мікро- і наноструктуру.Документ Microbiological researches of a butter with inulin(2004) Rashevska, Tamara; Gulyy, Ivan; Grinenko, Irina; Homichak, LubomirIn NUFT the technology of a butter with inulin is developed and microbiological studies done. В НУХТ розроблено технологію вершкового масла з інуліном і ослідженого його мікробіологічні показники.Документ Micstructure of multicomponent in water inulin solusions(2004) Gulyy, Ivan; Ukrainets, Anatoliy; Rashevska, Tamara; Tasenko, EvgeniaStudied formation of a microstructure of water solutions inulina, chicory, fructose and their mixes in a water phase. Досліджено формування мікроструктури водного розчину інуліну, цикорію, фруктози та їх суміші у водній фазі. Исследовано формирование микроструктуры водного раствора инулина, цикория, фруктозы та их смеси в водной фазе.Документ Nanostructure and butter functional properties with additives of vegetable powders(2013) Ivanov, Sergey; Rashevska, TamaraWe developed technology and assortment of butter with freeze and cold spray drying powders of red beet, blackcurrant buds, and carrot. Ми розробили технологію і асортимент масла з порошками червоного буряка, почок чорної смородини і моркви.Документ Nanostructure and functional properties of dairy butter with herbal food supplements(2012) Ivanov, Sergey; Rashevska, Tamara; Zasiadko, YaroslavComprehensive studies have shown that the introduction of herbal supplements has a multifunctional effect. It adds therapeutic and prophylactic properties to butter, affects the formation and self-organization of its nanostructure, and reduces the structural elements in 5-25 times. Комплексні дослідження показали, що додавання рослинних добавок має багатофункціональний еффект. Вони надають маслу лікувально-профілактичних властивостей, а також впливають на формування і самоорганізацію наноструктури вершкового масла, подрібнюючи його елементи в 5-25 разів.
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