Перегляд за Ключові слова "beer"
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Документ 2-furfural content in beer(2024) Kiriyenko, Serhiy; Mukoid, RomanDuring the production of beer, there are defects associated with raw materials, incorrect management of the technological process, which subsequently leads to violations of the biological, physico-chemical and, in fact, organoleptic properties of beer. Therefore, research, detection and elimination of defects in brewing, which are formed as a result of oxidation and aging of beer, are relevant.Документ Analytical Study of the Methods and Means of Beer Wort Heat Treatment(2014) Merzlyak, Dmitry; Udodov, Sergiy; Dovgun, Irina; Martsynkevich, LesyaBeer is a sparkling, refreshing drink with distinctive aroma and pleasant bitter taste. Beer is the most popular alcoholic beverage in the world. In this regard, the brewing industry of food industry needs to control the quality and price performance of the finished product. The process of boiling the wort with hops or hop extract is the main factor, but at the same time it is the most energy intensive process in brewing. The analysis shows that discussed ways of wort boiling enable to save energy costs in the range of 70 to 90%. It in turn can greatly affect the price performance of the finished product and increase competitiveness.Документ Beer ageing(2024) Kiriyenko, Serhiy; Mukoid, RomanThe problem of long-term storage of beer is becoming increasingly acute for breweries every day. Especially large companies are interested in the shelf life of beer being as long as possible. Today, it is very difficult to impress the consumer with a specific type of beer or an interesting aroma and taste. Small breweries around the world produce thousands of unique varieties, local and world famous. But the original taste of such beer can be felt only by going to the region where it is made.Документ Beer enrichment with biologically active hop compounds(2018) Protsenko, Lidia; Rudyk, Ruslan; Hryniuk, Tetiana; Vlasenko, Aliona; Protsenko, Alona; Litvynchuk (Vorontsova), Svitlana; Ovadenko, OlenaCombined use of the Slavyanka hop variety and the Ruslan and Xantha hops in the suggested ratio enriches the drink with biologically active hop compounds, thus improving its functionality.Документ Features of using hops and CO2-extract in brewing(2017) Protsenko, Lidia; Litvynchuk (Vorontsova), SvitlanaAromatic hop with a low alpha-acid content can be used in brewing as a polyphenol additive in combination with a CO2-extract, taking into account the quantitative content and qualitative composition of hop products and adhering to a certain technology of making beer.Документ Gluten enteropathy. Gluten-free raw material(2019) Mukoid, Roman; Koshova, Valentina; Parkhomenko, Anastasia; Yakimenko, LyudmilaThe purpose of the work was to pick up the optimal conditions for the production of high-quality rice malt, as well as further analysis.Документ Gluten enteropathy. Gluten-free raw material(2019) Mukoid, Roman; Koshova, Valentina; Parkhomenko, Anastasia; Yakimenko, LyudmilaThe purpose of the work was to pick up the optimal conditions for the production of high-quality rice malt, as well as further analysisДокумент Improvement of drying process of beer pellet in the fluidized bed apparatus(2014) Pohozhayev, Alexander; Yakobchuk, RomanIntroduction. It is appropriate to model and calculate the processes in the fluidized bed apparatus using computer simulation techniques and experimental studies in order to improve the drying process of beer pellet and develop new structures of dryers. Materials and methods. The process of drying spent grains in the fluidized bed dryer screw. Beer pellet has a thick consistency of rough grinding grain product, a light brown color, sweet flavor and malt smell and it rich in nutrients. Simulation of beer pellet drying was based on the finite element method using the software package Flow Vision and mathematical and statistical methods. Results and discussion. The mathematical model determining allow the coolant pressure in the drying chamber, to depend on the speed and coolant gas distribution device design and optimum conditions of drying installation. Uniform heating and drying the product in the fluidized state at any point of intersection of the drying chamber of screw dryer is achieved through high-quality distribution of coolant above gas distribution device. The expediency of Reynolds criterion definition was proved using semi-empirical interpolation formula derived by V. Goroshko, L. Rosenbaum, and O. Todes. It allows reducing of marker dimensions of the dryer. The design of screw dryers was improved by established under the perforated gas distribution grid profile that provides directional movement of coolant and coolant levels the pressure along the length of the drying chamber. Conclusions. Using the results of research for select the mode of drying in the design phase of drying equipment allows improve drying process beer pellet in the dryer.Документ Influence of buckwheat malt on beer properties(2020) Parkhomenko, Anastasia; Mukoid, RomanThe prospects of using buckwheat malt for the production of low-gluten beer are shown. Gluten is absent in such cereals as buckwheat and rice, and in other cereals the amount of gluten is: corn 80 ppm, barley 151 ppm, wheat 162 ppm. Therefore, for the preparation of low-gluten beer buckwheat malt and barley malt are recommendedДокумент Influence of low-gluten grain crops on beer properties(2020) Koshova, Valentina; Mukoid, Roman; Parkhomenko, AnastasiaПоказано перспективи використання гречки та гречаного солоду для виробництва низькоглютенового пиваДокумент Perspectives for development of gluten-free products(2018) Mukoid, RomanThe purpose of the work is to study the prospects for the development and use of gluten-free productsДокумент Properties of beer with the addition of low-gluten raw materials(2021) Parkhomenko, Anastasia; Mukoid, Roman; Vasyliv, VolodymyrThe prospects of using buckwheat and buckwheat malt for the production of low-gluten beer are shown. The choice and quantity of unmalted raw materials - crushed white buckwheat and buckwheat malt for the production of low-gluten beer (95% barley malt and 5% buckwheat malt or crushed white buckwheat) are substantiated. Beer brewed with a partial replacement of barley malt for buckwheat malt has better physicochemical properties than beer brewed with a partial replacement of barley malt for crushed white buckwheat. For the production of low-gluten beer, it is recommended to use 5% buckwheat malt as a low-gluten raw material.Документ Prospect of using buckwheat for low-gluten beer(2020) Mukoid, Roman; Koshova, Valentina; Parkhomenko, AnastasiaThe prospects of using buckwheat malt for the production of low-gluten beer are shown. The purpose of research is to establish the effect of buckwheat malt on physicochemical parameters for the production of low-gluten beerДокумент Technical ethanol. Technological and economic features of manufacture(2020) Boiko, Petro; Bondar, NikolaiУ статті розглядаються питання виробництва технічного етанолу із зерна як типового продукту сільського господарства України з точки зору поєднання технологічних заходів та визначення економічної доцільності збуту продукції на різних ринках. Уточнюється, що специфікою такого впровадження є конкуренція технічного етанолу та продуктів нафтогазоорганічного синтезу. Розглянуто ряд заходів, які при незначних величинах їх реалізації забезпечують зниження собівартості технічної переробки зерна на технічний етиловий спирт. The article deals with the issues of producing technical ethanol from the grain as a typical Ukrainian agricul ture product in terms of the combination of technological measures and the determination of the economic feasi bility of marketing products in different markets. It is specified that the specifics of such implementation are com petition of technical ethanol and products of oil and gas-organic synthesis. A number of measures are considered, which, at insignificant values of their implementation, provide a reduction in the cost of technical processing of grain into technical ethanol.Документ Technological and economic features of ethyl technical ethanol manufacture(2019) Boiko, PetroУ статті розглядаються питання виробництва технічного етанолу із зерна з точки зору поєднання технологічних заходів та визначення економічної доцільності збуту продукції на різних ринках. Уточнюється, що специфікою такого впровадження є конкуренція технічного етанолу та продуктів нафто- і газоорганічного синтезу. Розглянуто ряд заходів, які при незначних величинах їх реалізації забезпечують зниження собівартості технічної переробки зерна на технічний етиловий спирт. The article deals with the issues of producing technical ethanol from the grain in terms of the combination of technological measures and the determination of the economic feasibility of marketing products in different markets. It is specified that the specifics of such implementation are competition of technical ethanol and products of oil and gas-organic synthesis. A number of measures are considered, which, at insignificant values of their implementation, provide a reduction in the cost of technical processing of grain into technical ethanol.Документ Technological features of sour beer production using wild yeast(2024) Grytsenko, Oleg; Mukoid, Roman; Bulii, YuriiВизначено основні особливості технології кислого пива. Цей вид пива набуває все більшої популярності серед споживачів завдяки своїм унікальним органолептичним характеристикам, таким як використання диких дріжджів і бактерій, ізольованих із навколишнього середовища, мимовільне бродіння сусла при температурі 20-25 °С від кількох місяців до кількох років, вміст алкоголю в готовому пиві від 8 до 12% ABV. Досліджено способи культивування диких дріжджів, процеси, що відбуваються під час первинного бродіння сусла та дозрівання молодого пива, основні технологічні етапи та обрані технологічні режими виробництва кислого пива, у тому числі процес гідролізу крохмалю. Подано порівняльну характеристику різних стилів кислого елю з використанням меду, фруктів, ягід, цукрового сиропу та спецій.Документ Technology of lager and dark beers with chicory roots(2024) Buliy, Yuri; Mukoid, Roman; Parkhomenko, Anastasia; Kuts, AnatolyChicory root (Cichorium intybus L.) contains valuable components such as inulin, inulides, bitter substances, pectin, and fibers and is a promising non-traditional raw materia The technology for light beer production was proposed, according to which light malt and dried crushed chicory roots taken in the amount of 4% of malt are used as raw materials, and at the stage of mashing the enzyme preparation inulinase with activity of 14 units/g was introduced into the mixture. For the hydrolysis of inulin at the mashing stage, an inulase pause was provided at a temperature of 55–56 °C for 20–30 minutes. The method allows increasing the content of reducing substances in the wort by 1.6%, the apparent and actual fermentation degree by 3.9%, the content of alcohol and carbon dioxide in the beer by 3.2 and 10%, respectively. The finished beer had increased foam resistance and higher foam height, while the introduction of chicory did not impart excessive and extraneous bitterness. The innovative technology of dark beer provides mixing of aqueous extract of roasted chicory with malt wort cooled to the temperature of 85–90 °С. It was found that the optimal mode of the extraction process was the temperature 85–90 °С, hydromodule 1:6, and duration 90 min. Beer with chicory content of 3% was the best in terms of physical, chemical, and sensory properties. The improved method allows to increase the content of reducing substances in wort by 1.5%, apparent and actual fermentation degree by 2.2 and 3%, respectively, to increase the content of alcohol in beer by 2.3%, and carbon dioxide by 3.2%. It was proved that partial replacement of malt by chicory allows to reduce consumption of bitter hops for light beers by 20% (from 14.8 to 12.0 g/dal) and for dark beers by 10% (from 10.3 to 9.3 g/dal).Документ Unmalted materials in brewing(2018) Loiko, Serhii; Romanova, Zoriana; Romanov, MykolaPurpose: The main raw material for beer production is malt. There is a tendency to use other grain crops in the production of beer. The using of unmalted materials gives opportunity for brewers and technologist for cost saving. But replacing of malt makes affects the quality of wort and beer. The purpose of the researches was to compare quality parameters of 100% malt beers and beer with part of malt replaced by unmalted barley. Methods: To solve the given problem the methods of the high-performance liquid chromatography, analysis and empirical methods are used. Results: Using a big amount of unmalted grits together with external enzymes gives brewers opportunity to receive product in the same composition and quality like high-quality product using only malt. Conclusions: For brewing with a very small amount of malt, barley is a very good choice for replacing part of it as it has some characteristics of malt. It is possible, economically profitable and technically reasoned to replace half of the malt in the grind. But it becomes necessary to use exogenous enzymes.Документ Use of unmalted cereals with enzyme preparations in brewing(2024) Loiko, Serhii; Romanova, Zoriana; Zheplinska, Mariia; Romanov, Mykola; Vasyliv, VolodymyrUsing unmalted grain is one of the ways to improve quality, reduce production costs, and create new types of beer. However, the enzymatic activity of such raw materials is zero, so the use of enzyme preparations is relevant. The purpose of the study was to compare the quality indicators of 100% malt beer and beer with the replacement of malt with unmalted barley using enzymes. The methods of technical and chemical analysis were used to determine the organoleptic and physicochemical indicators of beer. Recommendations have been developed for the intensification of wort preparation using different types of grain raw materials - unmalted barley and rice groats with the addition of enzyme preparations from Novozymes (Denmark) at various stages of brewing. When testing new enzyme preparations (β-glucanase complex, xylanase), filtration time, wort viscosity and β-glucan content. and arabinoxylans decreased by approximately 20% compared to control samples. The use of a new enzyme preparation contributed to a better breakdown of substances, which affected the quality and duration of filtration. This leads to an improvement in the quality of the wort, a reduction in the duration of the process, and a reduction in the cost of raw materials. To ensure the necessary ratio of substances in the wort, it is necessary to introduce complex enzyme preparations - peptide hydrolase, α-amylase, endo-β-glucanase (Ceremis Plus). Preparations containing endo-β-glucanase (Ultraflo Max) should be used at the beginning of mashing to improve the rheological properties of the wort and reduce its viscosity, which improves the filtration process. To obtain beer with the required degree of fermentation during mashing, it is better to use new enzyme preparations (glucoamylase). The practical significance of the research is that the use of large amounts of unmalted grain together with exoenzymes such as Ultraflo Max and Ceremis Plus will allow brewers to produce worts and beers of the same composition and quality as premium worts and beers using only malt.Документ Автоматизована система управління технологічним процесом варіння сусла на пивзаводі з використанням методів нечіткої логіки(2024) Мариненко, Олександр Віталійович